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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Cuomo slams Trump as ’maniacal,’ calls him a ‘joke’ for threatening to pull federal funds from NYC

ALBANY — A fuming Gov. Cuomo painted President Trump as a “maniacal” “tabloid cartoon” who better watch his back if returns to the Big Apple after the commander-in-chief threatened to cut off federal funds to his hometown over rising crime.

The governor unleashed a lengthy tirade against Trump Wednesday evening, accusing the president of having a grudge against the city because New York “knows him for the joke he is.”
“We’re talking about the worst president for New York City in history,” Cuomo said during an evening call with reporters. “Those who know him best, like him least. That’s true of New York City, that’s true of his own family.”

Cuomo went on to say that Trump’s recent change of address to Florida was due to his no longer being welcome in his old Manhattan neighborhood.

“He was dismissed as a clown in New York City, those who know him best, like him least,” he said. “Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he wants to walk down the streets in New York City.
“He couldn’t set foot in New York City,” he added.

Some Trump supporters will believe he said the shit and chalk it up to "he goes a little too far sometimes" and that's that. Doesn't have an affect on how they perceive him just that they "can see why he's a little off putting"

thats a given. Trump can shoot someone and they will still love him.

It’s more damaging for him for the people who are strangely on the fence.
thats a given. Trump can shoot someone and they will still love him.

It’s more damaging for him for the people who are strangely on the fence.

I never understood folks that would be on the news on like November 1st still being on some... yeah im still undecided type shit.. lol
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