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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Let me find out all this shit has been real this whole time

"Since becoming California’s attorney general in 2011, she had largely avoided intervening in cases involving killings by the police. Protesters in Oakland distributed fliers saying: “Tell California Attorney General Kamala Harris to prosecute killer cops! It’s her job!”

Then, amid the national outrage stoked by the 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., came pleas for her to investigate a series of police shootings in San Francisco, where she had previously been district attorney. She did not step in. Except in extraordinary circumstances, she said, it was not her job."

Trump should atleast give these niggas a bunch of money to rebuild their shit.

Real talk, if i was one of them i woulda told trump if he gives me the money to rebuild my shit, i will vote for him. Then collect the money and still NOT vote for him
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