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Cowher got the same treatment

The Rooneys are just loyal

Pitt only have had 3 coaches since 1969


I’m only referring to the Pitt fans of no melanin.

Tomlin has his faults, I just peep the difference in how those two are treated comparably by them.

I feel both him and Cowher are/were both just solid HC’s. So ya could do better, I’m just speaking on the perception I see from the outside looking in when Mike does fail.
Jags gave up a shot ton of yards in the air.

Brady gon do the same with less mistakes like Ben did today.

Only way Jags win is if the front 4 win the matchup

Very true but I'm confident the defense will have a better game next week.

The offense is the ?.
It will be NE vs NO in the super bowl. All year long we heard about the NFL and the ratings.

Tom Brady and Drew Brees will get the NFL ratings.