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That’s Petty

Naw. We are just special to the ones that think we are special lol

Nothing more, nothing less
If life wasn't special no one would give a fuck about murders, diseases, and loss of life in general.

So much of our entire purpose is to preserve life and the quality of life it's kinda wild people allow themselves to fall in the trap of thinking they don't matter....

But I'm not really in the mood for a long drawn out debate explaining to niggaz that their lives matter.... So if you don't give a fuck.. By all means do you 🤷🏿‍♂️
That shit not petty, that's malicious and evil.
And you know it, that's why you brought it to us..

Ain't nuffin petty about an attempt on your life. And if you've convinced yourself to believe that then must not see much value in it bruh....

Your existence isn't petty. Or trivial. Too much Rick and Morty getting to y'all heads. We're all special and unique and deserve to be here.

That old lady prolly really hated her self and her life and was jealous at seeing you being able to relax and take shit easy

Very far from petty. Get it together bruh
Peep my latest podcast, I explain in great detail why I thought this shit was petty. And what the fuck rick and Morty have to do with anything?
What’s the most petty yet dangerous shit someone ever did to you

I’ll go first

When I was in highschool I had a night job as a janitor at a hospital. Shit was easy cause it was the gym for a medical hospital, and it wasn’t nothing but cleaning up so I used to get done four hours into my shift, and sleep the other four.

So this lady that was my supervisor used to not like that and found reason to complain about my work. Instead of complainin back, I’d take that shit and make sure that shit was done too.

Still all of that shit only took me 4 hours. So this bitch one night told me to go to the 7th floor and dump the trash on the floor.

So the next night I get a call from my boss and he says he wants to meet wit my sup and him. He tells me that the sup told him I was unaccounted for, for a couple hours the night before.

I tell em that I was on the 7th floor,he said why were you on the 7th floor. I told him that the chick said to go to the 7th floor. This bitch says..I didn’t tell you to do that, the 7th floor has been quarantined due to asbestos..no human should be on that floor.

This bitch tried to kill me and or get me fired cause I didn’t pace myself like the rest of them old deadend job having fucks..

Fucking Petty

The crazy part is with asbestos she mighta killed you already and you just don't know it yet.
Lol…i never thought of it like that, I always saw it as her being petty. Like I’ve had people try to kill me so I guess I always took those incidents as more legit threats to my life.

that’s how I see it too
Wow, that bitch woulda been dead a lot faster if I found out after she knew exactly what was up with the 7th floor. I'll show ya fuckin evil.
That shit not petty, that's malicious and evil.
And you know it, that's why you brought it to us..

Ain't nuffin petty about an attempt on your life. And if you've convinced yourself to believe that then must not see much value in it bruh....

Your existence isn't petty. Or trivial. Too much Rick and Morty getting to y'all heads. We're all special and unique and deserve to be here.

That old lady prolly really hated her self and her life and was jealous at seeing you being able to relax and take shit easy

Very far from petty. Get it together bruh
I smashed this Mexican wiggers sister cuz he said nigga too much!

Karma bit me in the ass she was crazy and busted all the windows out my car!
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