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Take shelter! Revelation 14 teaching on Yeshua and 3 angels! Cloudy day at hand! Rapture!

Shabbat shalom! New teaching is up! Praise the Lord! God is the Master story teller! He is telling stories within stories within stories within stories all at the same time throughout the word of God. Here is just another layer into the in-depthness of the living and breathing word of God! God bless you forever! Amen!


New Teaching is up! A shadow of the 6,000 years of human history is seen in 1 Samuel 3.

When the 6,000 years are finished God will do a thing in Israel that will tingle the ears of everyone who hears it.

Habakkuk heard about the thing that God would do to Israel at the end of 6,000 years and he recorded it in chapter 3 of his book.

This video shows another one of His innumerable threads that He has woven into the tapestry of His awesome word to tell the story of His coming to make all things right forever and ever! Amen!
Shabbat shalom! New teaching is up! The resurrection has an order according to 1 Corinthians 15:23! Therefore the season when the LORD will come like a thief in the night can be discerned by studying the Bible. The day or hour can't be known, but the times and seasons will be known if you are watching and praying as a child of the light! But the question is are you a child of the light? Amen.

Praise the Lord for another opportunity to preach the gospel at The Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach! "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning" is the message! The time is short! We need to have oil in your lamps if we want to be ready to meet the Bridegroom! Amen!


New video is up that goes over the 2300 days in Daniel 8.

2300 days = 6 years 4 months and 20 days based on the 360 day Hebrew Calender.

When the Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt and the offerings begin the 2,300 day countdown will begin. The count ends when the sanctuary is cleansed, which happens when Yeshua returns to the earth at the battle of Armageddon.

The video goes over the 7 months and 10 days that are missing from the 2,300 days. When 7 months and 10 days is added to the 2,300 days a full 7 years comes together.

The Bible talks about what happens during the 7 months and 10 days that are missing. Which contains:

1. The cleansing of the land of Israel for 7 months
2. The putting down of 3 of the 10 kings by the Antichrist
3. The rebuilding of the temple; which when completed and the offerings begin will start the 2300 day countdown.

I pray the video will be edifying for the saints and glorifying to King Jesus. Amen.

New Teaching is up! Praise the LORD! God has imbedded another timeline of end time events within Psalm 50-58. Psalm 50 is the rapture chapter, Psalm 51-57 is the tribulation chapters which speak about the Antichrist and False Prophet reign of terror, and Psalm 58 is the final judgment chapter at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ. May God be glorified and the saints edified! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Shabbat Shalom! Praise the LORD for pouring into me another teaching to share with those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled! Exodus 15 and 2 Kings chapter 2 show a shadow of the rapture and the tribulation period that follows! I pray that God blesses you in Jesus name! Amen!
Leviticus 8 shows PRETRIB rapture, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls of wrath! Come and dine!

Shalom my brothers! New teaching is up. Here is the YouTube link:

I preached for shabbat service at my church today based on the Torah portion this week. Teaching starts @18:00 mark.

Here are the sermon notes as well:

The consecration of Aaron and his sons in Leviticus 8 is a foreshadow of what happens in heaven when the rapture happens! The church is Consecrated for eternal priesthood at the marriage supper of the lamb! In Leviticus 8 these are the shadows:

The LORD = The Father

Moses = Yeshua. Deuteronomy 18:15-19.

Aaron and his sons = the church/the saints. 1 Peter 2:5, 9

The garments = wedding garments of the bride clean and white. Revelation 19:6-9

The anointing oil = the Holy Spirit. Matthew 25:1-13, 1 JOHN 2:20, 27

Bull for sin offering = 7 seals

2 rams = 7 trumpets and 7 bowls carried by the 7 angels who stand before God.

The ONE basket of 3 different types of unleavened bread made with wheat flour

Exodus 29:2 describes them more fully

-unleavened bread = believing Jews before the 1st coming of Christ

-unleavened cakes mixed with oil = the body of Christ being made into 1 new man since the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ up until the rapture.

-unleavened wafers anointed with oil = tribulation saints who overcome the beast by resisting the mark and not bowing down to the image of the beast. They overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.

The 7 days that Aaron and his sons were kept in the tabernacle for their ordination as priests is a shadow of the marriage supper of the lamb in heaven where the church will be ordained for eternal priestly service during the 7 years of tribulation. God knows that we have little power, but yet because we keep His word and do not deny His name He will keep us from the hour of trial that is coming on all the earth. The hour of trial is the 7 year tribulation that the church will be kept from, in which the church will be ordained in heaven for priestly service forever at the marriage supper of the lamb/bema seat judgment of Christ!

Leviticus 8 speaks about this. For example:

The church of Philadelphia is made a pillar in the temple of God = Aaron and his sons being in the tabernacle for 7 days and not allowed to go out.

The temple in heaven opens and the cloud fills the temple which prevents anyone from being able to enter the temple until the 7 angels finish their jobs in Revelation 15:5-8 = Aaron and his sons being in the tabernacle for 7 days and not allowed to exit or else they would die in Leviticus 8:33-35

The church of Philadelphia has a new name of God written on them = the golden plate that is put on the turban of Aaron during his consecration ceremony.

Aaron and his sons washed with water = Joshua being washed by the word of the Lord in Zechariah 3 when Satan tried to accuse him.

The washing of Aaron and his sons is the first thing that happens in the ordination ceremony. It parallels the church being washed by the word like John 13:8, Ephesians 5:26, John 3:5, Psalm 51:2 tells us.

The whole ordination ceremony in Leviticus 8 is based upon being cleansed first! Unless the Lord JESUS washes us with His blood, we have no part with Him! Except we are born of WATER and of Spirit we can not see the kingdom of God!

It’s all His work! King Jesus does it all! In Leviticus 8, Moses is a type of Christ. Moses is acting as Christ and performing all the rituals on behalf of Aaron and his sons. The same thing Christ does for us! Christ initiates as we follow His commands!

God bless you forever!

Praise the LORD! New teaching is up! God revealed this to me today while I was meditating on Him at the Garden tomb here in Jerusalem at the close of passover. I just had to share it because it was so good. Luke 2:41-50 gives a shadow of the end times. It's amazing how rich the word of God is! Absolutely phenomenal!

Praise the LORD forever! Amen!