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Take shelter! Revelation 14 teaching on Yeshua and 3 angels! Cloudy day at hand! Rapture!

Here goes the 2nd part of the teaching series about the Temple in heaven opening on the cloudy day! May the LORD bless the hearers and doers of His word! Amen!

Here goes the 3rd part of the teaching series about the Temple in heaven opening on the cloudy day! May the LORD bless the hearers and doers of His word! Amen!

Part 4 is up! Focusing on the 3 angels that come out of the temple in Revelation 14! More specifically the 1st one who is Michael the Archangel! Amen

Part 5 coming soon! Lord willing! Amen!
Part 5 is up! Talking about the 2nd angel in Revelation 14, Gog and Magog, Babylon the Great and how they all tie together when the Temple in Heaven is opened! Praise the LORD for His word! Hallelujah!

Part 6 coming soon! Hopefully by tomorrow night! Lord willing! Amen!
Part 8 up! May the LORD bless all those who hear the word of the LORD! God bless you and I love you! Part 9 coming soon! Amen!

I was led to this video yesterday and I had to share it. Never have I seen a more thorough break down on why America is Babylon the Great and the refutation of why other places are not.

Good listen. Amen.

The time is short! Here is the 9th video in the series! May the word of the LORD edify all those who hear it and may King Jesus receive all the glory! Hallelujah!

New teaching is up! Praise the LORD! Part 10 in the series! God is good! May this teaching open your eyes to the book of Psalms in a deeper way! In Yeshua name I pray, Amen!

Part 11 is up! Praise the LORD! There's so much to say, but for the sake of time; I have to cut the videos down. By the grace of God I am synthesizing the info so that I can fit the key points in. But a thorough line by line exegesis is really needed to see the evidence in it's fullness. I guess that's why God says to study to show yourself approved. Amen.

New teaching is up! Focus on Jeremiah 25 and Zechariah 1. The 70 years are upon us and 5 heavenly signs since 1994 have confirmed the surety of the hour we are currently in! God bless you and King Jesus is coming soon! Hallelujah!

-Since 1994 there have been 5 heavenly signs that were once in a lifetime events. 2 of the 5 were once in human history events!

1. In 1994 Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 broke up into 21 fragments and slammed into the planet Jupiter. This event was the first time in human history that mankind had direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects.

The 21 fragments of comet shoemaker levy 9 symbolized 2 things. First each fragment symbolized the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls. Secondly each fragment represented a year. Thus this sign pointed us to what would come 21 years later.

2. The blood moon tetrad! This event happened 21 years after Comet Shoemaker levy 9 hit Jupiter. The blood moon tetrad, with the Solar eclipse that happened on the biblical new year of Nisan 1, 2015 was a once in a lifetime event. An interesting fact about The solar eclipse is that it cut the world in half. It seperared the Old world from the New World or the East from the West.

3. The Great American Solar Eclipse happened on August 21, 2017. 2 years after the blood moon tetrad. 23 years after Comet shoemaker levy-9 hit Jupiter. This was a once in a generation event. It was the sign of the prophet Jonah for America. America was given 40 days to repent, which ended on Yom Kippur. America didn’t repent like the biblical type that was given in Jonah, thus the judgment was sealed on Yom Kippur. The day after America failed to repent within the 40 day time frame, the deadliest shooting in America happened. It was a foreshadow of the cloudy day. When the cloudy day comes it will be hailstones and coals of fire raining down Instead of bullets raining down. Sin will be judged, hence why the deadliest shooting in America happened in “Sin City”.

4. The great sign in heaven was the 2nd once in human history heavenly sign, which occurred on September 23, 2017. The great sign in heaven of Revelation 12:1-2 was a marker for those who are watching and praying that the wedding is at hand. Suddenly the bridegroom will come and there will be no more delay when the angel of Revelation 10 comes. The angel of Revelation 10 who comes down from heaven and announces that “there is no more delay” is Michael the Archangel who roars with a voice like a lion. His voice in Revelation 10 is the same voice of the archangel in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. At the same time Michael descends from heaven, with King Jesus above Him on the clouds, it will fulfill Revelation 12:3-5, 7-9, and Daniel 12:1-3. The great sign in heaven lets us know that the day of the LORD is at hand and the fulfillment of every vision!

5. The super blue blood moon was the final once in a generation heavenly sign that God has given us. The first time 3 different lunar phenomena occurred at the same time since 1866! Since it happened the stock market crashed to -666 points and Israel has engaged in warfare with Iran and Syria directly.

-All the above heavenly signs occurred within the last 23 years. Based on Exodus 12:1-2 the hebrew year on Gods calendar doesn’t change until Nisan 1. Thus we are still in the hebrew Year 5777. Comet Shoemaker levy 9 struck Jupiter in the hebrew year 5754.


-In Jeremiah chapter 25 the prophet describes how he pleaded with Judah for 23 years to turn back to the LORD. The people of course failed to repent. Thus the judgment of Babylonian captivity began when the 23 year warning of Jeremiah wasn’t heeded. The first captives of Judah were taken away in 606/5 BC. Daniel the prophet being one of the first to go into captivity. The ultimate destruction of the southern kingdom didn’t come until years later in 587/6 BC. But the point is that the judgment began when the 23 year warning of Jeremiah wasn’t heeded.

-The type/shadow is seen in Zechariah 1. The rider on the red horse gives his report to the LORD on the 24th day of the 11th month in the 2nd year of Darius the king. His report is that “we have walked to and fro through the earth, and, behold. all the earth sits still and is at rest.”

Which means peace has not been taken from the earth yet. Wars and rumors of wars are occurring like Matthew 24 tells us. But total peace hasn’t been taken from the earth yet, like it will be taken when the cloudy day comes.

Thus the rider on the red horse in Zechariah 1 cries out to God and asks “how long will you not have mercy on Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, which you have been angry with for these 70 years?”

God replies by saying these 9 things in Zechariah 1:14-17:

1. I am Jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great jealousy.

2. I am very angry with the nations who are at ease.

3. I was a little angry, but the nations furthered the affliction of Jerusalem

4. I will return to Jerusalem with mercy

5. My house will be built in Jerusalem

6. A measuring line will be stretched over Jerusalem.

7. His cities will be spread abroad and have prosperity.

8. The Lord will comfort Zion

9. The Lord will choose Jerusalem.

Therefore the picture is clear. The word of God is living and active! Thus what has been written before will play out again! In our days God said that there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars! For 23 years God has warned us that He is coming by the signs in the heavens, just like He warned Judah for 23 years through the prophet Jeremiah before the judgment began!

On February 9, 2018 it was the 24th day of the 11th month on the hebrew calendar. It was the 2nd year of Donald trumps reign. Thus the report has gone in to the LORD that the whole world sits still and is at rest.

The 70 year milestone of Zechariah 1 is playing out in our day. We are currently in the middle of the two 70 year anniversary dates of the restoration
of Israel.

-November 29, 1947 was UN resolution 181
-May 14, 1948 was the official declaration of statehood for Israel

The 5th of Iyar is the official anniversary date on the hebrew calendar. That date is April 20, 2018 on our gregorian calendar.

Thus we are on the cusp of the bridegroom coming. It will happen suddenly! In an instant! In a moment we will be changed! In the twinkling of an eye! Therefore we continue to watch and pray always so that we may be accounted worthy to escape all the things that are about to come on the earth and stand before the Son of Man!

A little add on about the 7th king:

Donald trump is the 7th king of Revelation 17 who only rules for a short time. Donald trump was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old when he was sworn into office. He was 700 days old when Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948. He won the electoral vote over Hillary by 77 votes. Thus there is no mistaking that he is the 7th king! He will be in charge at the time Babylon the Great is destroyed on the cloudy day. After the rapture which coincides with the cloudy day, the 4th beast kingdom takes over and the little horn will be the ruler. He is the 8th king of Revelation 17.

oh yeah and Donald Trump was born on a blood moon.

Read more: http://unsealed.boards.net/thread/1368/when-temple-heaven-opened-changes?page=2#ixzz572CvfG5N

New Teaching is up! 6,000 years of human history contained in 3 consecutive parables found in Matthew 21 and 22.

1. Parable of the 2 sons
2. Parable of the tenants
3. Parable of the wedding feast!

When the 6,000 years are up the KING gets angry, sends His troops, destroys the murderers of His servants, and burns up their city! - Matthew 22:7

And the wedding feasts occurs!

God bless you forever! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!