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Take shelter! Revelation 14 teaching on Yeshua and 3 angels! Cloudy day at hand! Rapture!

Rapture Soon

The Cloudy Day is Near!
Blessings my friends. Here is the Shabbat Sermon for today 13 JAN, 2018. The same day that Babylon the Great gave a false alarm for taking shelter 30 minutes too late!

Here is the LORD giving the real place of shelter with illustrations about the cloudy day based on Revelation 14 and Revelation 10. I didn't get to hit all the points because there is so much to it. But here goes a start that paints the picture!

The cloudy day is near my friends! We must take shelter! God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. The question is are you ready?

A one hour and 16 minute video clip. Who knew you had a sense of humor? Hilarious.

It's a shabbat service. You know church usually lasts at least an hour. Our service for shabbat lasted just a little over an hour. The teaching begins at about the 20 minute mark.

I only scratched the surface with this teaching. I had a lot more to say. I didn't even get to talk about the 7 angels in the left corner of the illustration and they have a BIG part to play in what happens on the cloudy day.

Nor did I even put the 4 winds in the teaching that are also released on the cloudy day. There's lots of moving parts to I had to focus on something in order to get the message across in the time I had to teach.

God is good! Amen!
About those 4 winds though! Those 4 winds are held back in Revelation 7. The 4 angels who hold the 4 winds back are the 4 cherubim who are around the throne of God. Those 4 cherubim also have 4 wheels. The wheels inside of wheels as Ezekiel describes. When the cloudy day comes the throne of God comes down out of the temple in heaven and the 4 angels (cherubim) who support the throne of God release the 4 winds on the earth.

The throne of God isn't seen though by those on the earth because the throne is covered by the clouds, hence the cloudy day!

"1The word of the LORD came to me: 2“Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus says the Lord GOD: “Wail, ‘Alas for the day!’
3For the day is near, the day of the LORD is near; it will be a day of clouds, a time of doom for the nations." Ezekiel 3:1-3

The throne of God is like a chariot that God rides on in the cloudy day! Hence why the wheels inside of wheels support the throne of God like Ezekiel 1 describe!

"1An oracle concerning Egypt. Behold, the LORD is riding on a swift cloud and comes to Egypt; and the idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence, and the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them." Isaiah 19:1

Egypt is symbolic of the world and the world will be shaken at the presence of God on this day. The Bible calls the 4 winds the whirlwinds throughout the scriptures. The hailstones and coals of fire are not the only things in the 4 winds (whirlwinds) but also the 4 horseman that are so familiar to most people.

The 4 horseman are in the 4 winds that are released on the cloudy day as well. That is why we see in Revelation 7 the angel from the east with the seal of the living God saying to the 4 angels who hold the 4 winds not to release them until the servants of God are sealed on their foreheads. The sealing of the servants of God are spoken about in Ezekiel 9 when the man with the writer's inkhorn seals those with the mark of God before the 6 men with the slaughter weapons go through the midst of Jerusalem to slay everybody who doesn't have the seal of God.

The same man with the writers inkhorn in Ezekiel 9 is the same angel in Revelation 7:2. That angel is Michael the archangel. I went over his part in my teaching video above. In Ezekiel 10 the same man with the writers ink horn goes in between the cherubim to take coals of fire and scatter it over Jerusalem. This is portrayed in Revelation 18:21. The mighty angel is Michael. In Revelation 7:2 he , Michael, ascends from the east. In Matthew 24:27 the Son of Man comes from the east to the west like lightning!

"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." Matthew 24:27

The above is describing when The Son of man comes with the voice of the archangel Michael on the cloudy day. It's describing the movements of the angels when this all happens. This all happens in an instant. The Bible describes it all happening as in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye! Meaning that it happens so fast you won't even have time to think! If you love the LORD you will be caught up on this day in the rapture faster than you can blink! But if you are left behind on this day you will see everything that is written about in regards to the last days play out in horrific fashion.

That is if you even survive the cloudy day! Because the earth is going to be moved at the presence of Almighty God! There will be many dead bodies in every place! And if you live in the WEST aka Babylon the Great aka AMERICA, you won't even have a chance to repent! You will go from one fire straight into another fire. For God is coming to judge the world that played Him for a fool! And the well favored harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, who thought they she would never see judgment will be totally destroyed in 1 hour!


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The 7 angels who stand before God in Revelation 8:2, who are given the 7 trumpets, are the same 7 angels who receive the 7 vials from the 4 living creatures in Revelation 15:7.

Which means:

The same 7 angels who blow the 7 trumpets are the same 7 angels who pour out the bowls of wrath.

The key to understanding this is the opening of the Temple in heaven! When the temple in heaven is opened everything changes!

1. The rapture happens
2. The 4 winds are released
3. The 3 angels from Revelation 14 come out of the temple
4. The 7 angels who stand before God come out of the temple
5. Great hail and a great earthquake happens on the earth
6. The heavens shake
7. The devil and all his angels are forever kicked out of heaven!

This is the day of sudden destruction that comes upon the earth! This is the day that comes like a thief in the night!

It happens in a moment, in a thinking of an eye! Like lightning that flashes from the east to the west, so will the Coming of the Son of Man be!

The temple is about to open! The question is are you ready to be called up like John was in Revelation 4:1?

The 7 angels who stand before God in Revelation 8:2, who are given the 7 trumpets, are the same 7 angels who receive the 7 vials from the 4 living creatures in Revelation 15:7.

Which means:

The same 7 angels who blow the 7 trumpets are the same 7 angels who pour out the bowls of wrath.

The key to understanding this is the opening of the Temple in heaven! When the temple in heaven is opened everything changes!

1. The rapture happens
2. The 4 winds are released
3. The 3 angels from Revelation 14 come out of the temple
4. The 7 angels who stand before God come out of the temple
5. Great hail and a great earthquake happens on the earth
6. The heavens shake
7. The devil and all his angels are forever kicked out of heaven!

This is the day of sudden destruction that comes upon the earth! This is the day that comes like a thief in the night!

It happens in a moment, in a thinking of an eye! Like lightning that flashes from the east to the west, so will the Coming of the Son of Man be!

The temple is about to open! The question is are you ready to be called up like John was in Revelation 4:1?


Good word. I sent your video to my aunt she is a minister as well and travels too.
When the 3 angels of Revelation 14 come out of the temple in heaven on the cloudy day the 4 winds are let loose as well. The 4 cherubim that surround the throne of God are holding back the 4 winds from blowing on the earth right now.

But when Michael stands up, the 4 winds are released in conjunction with the coming of the LORD on the clouds. This all happens instantly!

On the earth, if you are left behind, you will experience on the day of sudden destruction:

1. The greatest earthquake in human history
2. Hailstones and coals of fire raining down on you that weigh about 100 pounds each.
3. Thunders
4. Lightnings
5. The trumpet blasts
6. The shaking of the heavens
7. The beginning of the day of the LORD!

It's just a terrible day! No brightness in that day at all if you are left behind. Only utter ruin and despair if you survive it. And if you are still alive when the dust settles, what rises from the ashes of that day will be the most terrible ruler in the history of man. He is known as the antichrist. And he will be helped by the false prophet. And the False Prophet will tell all who are left behind to make an image to the beast when he has a "false resurrection" and then they will tell everybody to take a mark in their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell!

The 3 angels in Revelation 14 are all revealed from heaven throughout the book of Revelation.

1. The first angel is Michael. He is revealed from heaven in Revelation 10.

2. The 2nd angel isn't named. He is revealed from heaven in Revelation 18:1-3.

3. The 3rd angel isn't named. He is revealed from heaven in Revelation 19:17.

These 3 angels will appear in the heavens on the day of sudden destruction. On the day of the rapture when the 4 winds are released on the earth the 3 angels will come to announce their messages that Revelation 14:6-11 records and do their acts that Revelation 14:15-20 record.

Don't get left behind under the clouds on the day when Yeshua roars from on high and utters His voice from Jerusalem!

it all happens on the same day!

When the war starts America will be nuked and destroyed. The false warning to take shelter in Hawaii is a signal that the attack is at hand.

Just like Pearl Harbor and 9/11 the next attack will come suddenly and unexpected but this time the whole nation will be destroyed and leveled like Revelation 17-18 describe.

But on this same day, the nations will also try to attack Israel in the Gog and Magog invasion. But this will bring the fury of God and the cloudy day!

The day of the rapture when the 4 winds are released, the hailstones fall, the greatest earthquake in human history occurs, and God comes on the clouds of heaven in His chariot to rapture those who are ready!

The 3 angels are released with their messages and the 7 angels who stand before God come out of the temple to do their work!

This all happens in 1 day! 1 hour the world will be totally destroyed by the presence of the LORD! And what rises from the ashes of this day will be the brief reign of the Beast! He will have a short time to do his work but he will be destroyed without hand when the LORD appears on the white horse at the battle of Armageddon 7 years after the cloudy day!

God is good!

The day when the temple in heaven is opened, it is connected to these 3 things coming on the earth:

1. A great earthquake
2. Great hail falling from heaven
3. Fire

“And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.” Revelation 11:19

This happens when the 2nd angel from Revelation 14, who comes from the golden altar, takes the censer in his hand and casts it to the earth in Revelation 8:2-5

”5Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings,a flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. Revelation 8:5

The effects of this judgment are seen in the destruction of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38

”17“Thus says the Lord GOD: Are you he of whom I spoke in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel, who in those days prophesied for years that I would bring you against them? 18But on that day, the day that Gog shall come against the land of Israel, declares the Lord GOD, my wrath will be roused in my anger. 19For in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20The fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, shall quake at my presence. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. 21I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Lord GOD. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22With pestilence and bloodshed I will enter into judgment with him, and I will rain upon him and his hordes and the many peoples who are with him torrential rains and hailstones, fire and sulfur. 23So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.” Ezekiel 38:17-23

1. A great earthquake
2. Great hail
3. Fire

Are all connected with the destruction of Gog and Magog!

Ezekiel 39:9 tells us that 7 years are left when this happens which corresponds to the tribulation period. Daniels 70th week!

”9And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years.” Ezekiel 39:9

Also Ezekiel 39:8 tells us that this is a specific day God has singled out! This is the cloudy day! The day of the rapture! The day when the heavens and earth will shake!

8Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken. Ezekiel 39:8

The scene in heaven with the angel at the Golden altar that I talked about earlier who is the 2nd angel of Revelation 14 is also connected with the fall of Babylon which also occurs on the same day all the above happens. Amen.
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Look at the picture above to see what happens When the door in heaven opens:

1. Yeshua comes on the clouds
2. The rapture of the Church happens
3. the 3 angels of Revelation 14 come out
4. The 7 angels who stand before God come out; they have the 7 trumpets and the 7 bowls of wrath.

I didn’t have room to put the 4 winds that are released on this same day in the picture above. But the cloud that Yeshua comes on also releases the 4 winds that the 4 cherubuim, who surround the throne of God, hold back right now until the day of sudden destruction!

Like I said in an earlier post, the 4 winds are the 4 horses of Revelation 6:1-8. They are also found in Zechariah 1:7-17 and in Zechariah 6:1-8.

The 4 winds are also seen in Ezekiel 1. They are the wheels inside of wheels. The 4 cherubim release them on the cloudy day which produces the whirlwind that will devastate the whole entire earth!

When the dust settles from the cloudy day the Bible says that 1/4th of humanity will be dead. And that’s just the beginning of the end!

The nation who controls the kings of the earth at the time when the day of sudden destruction begins is known in the Bible as Babylon the Great! This is America or the west in general. When heaven is opened the 2nd angel comes out of the temple in heaven, from the Golden altar, and casts his censer on the earth which causes: Hail, Fire, and An earthquake To come upon the earth and specifically Babylon the Great! That is why the 2nd angel announces that Babylon is fallen in Revelation 14:8:

8Another angel, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all nations drink the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.”

This same angel is the one who is revealed from heaven in Revelation 18:1-3 who announces that Babylon is fallen is fallen.

1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory. 2And he called out with a mighty voice,

“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.
3For all nations have drunk
the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,
and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”
Revelation 18:1-3

John is seeing the same thing only from different perspectives! It’s still the 2nd angel of Revelation 14:8. Who is the same angel in Revelation 14:18 that comes from the altar and has power over fire! Which is the same angel in Revelation 8:2-5 that is at the Golden altar that casts fire on the earth when the temple in heaven is opened!

I believe this 2nd angel is Gabriel. Because Gabriel is connected with the Altar of incense (golden altar) when he appeared to Zechariah in the temple to announce John the baptists birth.

11And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense....19And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.” Luke 1:11;19

The name of the 2nd angel in Revelation isn’t important, but it’s just an interesting observation. The first angel is none other than Michael though because his name is given as being the Archangel that accompanies the Lord Yeshua at the rapture.

And Michael is also the lead angel that kicks the devil out of heaven on the very same day which begins the terrible day of the Lord for all those left behind.

Understanding that when the temple opens everything changes is imperative! If you live in Babylon the Great on this day and you are not caught up in the rapture you will die! There will be no survivors in America when the 2nd angel announces that Babylon has fallen, has fallen!

And this all happens suddenly, in an instant! The Bible goes to great lengths to tell us that Babylon, who thought she would never be conquered, will be totally destroyed in 1 hour.

And Famine

Will all come in a single day! All her plagues will be given to her on the day the temple in heaven is opened and the day of the Lord begins! That is why the rapture call is also given in Revelation 18:4.

Only the people who belong to Christ Jesus will come out of her on this day! But it all happens instantly! There will be no time to think or act or escape if left behind on this day!

It’s like the “false alarm” that the nukes were coming to Hawaii last weekend! The warning was 38 minutes too late! They say it only takes 20 minutes for the ICBM’s to travel from North Korea to Hawaii!

But there are subs that can’t be detected that are already surrounding America for the day when the kings of this earth say to hell with America and push the button all at once! And at the very same time they will try to attack Israel! And at the very same time the temple in heaven will be opened and the whirlwind will come down on the earth!

For those who aren’t ready, now is the time to get ready! The temple in heaven is about to open! The signs of the times are too numerous to count! God has given us all more than enough warning. But the choice still belongs to you!

Will you repent and believe the gospel? It’s as simple as that! All you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord and you’ll be saved! Don’t gamble any longer because the day when the temple will be opened will come like a thief in the night! Amen!
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Look at the picture above to see what happens When the door in heaven opens:

1. Yeshua comes on the clouds
2. The rapture of the Church happens
3. the 3 angels of Revelation 14 come out
4. The 7 angels who stand before God come out; they have the 7 trumpets and the 7 bowls of wrath.

I didn’t have room to put the 4 winds that are released on this same day in the picture above. But the cloud that Yeshua comes on also releases the 4 winds that the 4 cherubuim, who surround the throne of God, hold back right now until the day of sudden destruction!

Like I said in an earlier post, the 4 winds are the 4 horses of Revelation 6:1-8. They are also found in Zechariah 1:7-17 and in Zechariah 6:1-8.

The 4 winds are also seen in Ezekiel 1. They are the wheels inside of wheels. The 4 cherubim release them on the cloudy day which produces the whirlwind that will devastate the whole entire earth!

When the dust settles from the cloudy day the Bible says that 1/4th of humanity will be dead. And that’s just the beginning of the end!

The nation who controls the kings of the earth at the time when the day of sudden destruction begins is known in the Bible as Babylon the Great! This is America or the west in general. When heaven is opened the 2nd angel comes out of the temple in heaven, from the Golden altar, and casts his censer on the earth which causes: Hail, Fire, and An earthquake To come upon the earth and specifically Babylon the Great! That is why the 2nd angel announces that Babylon is fallen in Revelation 14:8:

8Another angel, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all nations drink the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality.”

This same angel is the one who is revealed from heaven in Revelation 18:1-3 who announces that Babylon is fallen is fallen.

1After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory. 2And he called out with a mighty voice,

“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.
3For all nations have drunk
the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,
and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”
Revelation 18:1-3

John is seeing the same thing only from different perspectives! It’s still the 2nd angel of Revelation 14:8. Who is the same angel in Revelation 14:18 that comes from the altar and has power over fire! Which is the same angel in Revelation 8:2-5 that is at the Golden altar that casts fire on the earth when the temple in heaven is opened!

I believe this 2nd angel is Gabriel. Because Gabriel is connected with the Altar of incense (golden altar) when he appeared to Zechariah in the temple to announce John the baptists birth.

11And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense....19And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.” Luke 1:11;19

The name of the 2nd angel in Revelation isn’t important, but it’s just an interesting observation. The first angel is none other than Michael though because his name is given as being the Archangel that accompanies the Lord Yeshua at the rapture.

And Michael is also the lead angel that kicks the devil out of heaven on the very same day which begins the terrible day of the Lord for all those left behind.

Understanding that when the temple opens everything changes is imperative! If you live in Babylon the Great on this day and you are not caught up in the rapture you will die! There will be no survivors in America when the 2nd angel announces that Babylon has fallen, has fallen!

And this all happens suddenly, in an instant! The Bible goes to great lengths to tell us that Babylon, who thought she would never be conquered, will be totally destroyed in 1 hour.

And Famine

Will all come in a single day! All her plagues will be given to her on the day the temple in heaven is opened and the day of the Lord begins! That is why the rapture call is also given in Revelation 18:4.

Only the people who belong to Christ Jesus will come out of her on this day! But it all happens instantly! There will be no time to think or act or escape if left behind on this day!

It’s like the “false alarm” that the nukes were coming to Hawaii last weekend! The warning was 38 minutes too late! They say it only takes 20 minutes for the ICBM’s to travel from North Korea to Hawaii!

But there are subs that can’t be detected that are already surrounding America for the day when the kings of this earth say to hell with America and push the button all at once! And at the very same time they will try to attack Israel! And at the very same time the temple in heaven will be opened and the whirlwind will come down on the earth!

For those who aren’t ready, now is the time to get ready! The temple in heaven is about to open! The signs of the times are too numerous to count! God has given us all more than enough warning. But the choice still belongs to you!

Will you repent and believe the gospel? It’s as simple as that! All you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord and you’ll be saved! Don’t gamble any longer because the day when the temple will be opened will come like a thief in the night! Amen!

Yes sir.
The same scene is playing out (the temple opening in heaven) in these 4 verses:

Revelation 4:5
Revelation 8:5
Revelation 11:19
Revelation 16:18-21

The same greek words for voices, lightning, and thunder are used in each of the above 4 verses. John is just seeing and recording things from different perspectives.

1. In Revelation 4:5 John is seeing the throne from the point of view of the rapture.

2. In Revelation 8:5 John is now in heaven and is seeing how the temple in heaven is opened at the time of the rapture. The golden altar and the incense is connected with Leviticus 16 and how God appears in the cloud above the mercy seat once the incense is offered on the golden altar and the cloud covers the mercy seat.

3. In Revelation 11:19 John records the full view of the temple opening by describing what happens in heaven and on earth. That is why "great hail" is mentioned. The fire that the angel took from the golden altar in heaven in Revelation 8:5 and threw it to the earth is the "great hail" that hits the earth in Revelation 11:19

4. In Revelation 16:18-21 John records the full impact of God appearing on the cloud by describing in great detail the devastating effects that come upon the earth when the temple in heaven is opened!

This is the great and terrible day of the LORD that comes like sudden destruction upon the world.

It is the day that comes like a thief in the night!

It is the midnight cry of the the coming of the bridegroom! Those who are ready will go in to the marriage supper of the lamb, those who aren't will be left behind!

This day of sudden destruction is connected to:

A. The fall of Babylon the great
B. The judgment of Gog and Magog
C. The war in heaven that will cast out satan and all his angels from heaven forever!

All this happens in a single day! It all happens suddenly! It all happens instantly! For those who are ready to meet the bridegroom in the air it will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye!

But for those who aren't ready the day of the LORD will be the beginning of your trouble! That is, if you even survive the day of sudden destruction!

For on the day of sudden destruction the Bible says that when 4 horses finish (the 4 winds of heaven) 1/4 of the worlds population will be dead! And the world will be made like unto a wilderness! And from the ashes of a world that has been utterly shaken to it's foundation, the 4th beast kingdom will rise for 1 hour!


@RaptureSoonUgoing? My aunt is a minister and had a sermon yesterday on boot camp training for the saints and the synchronization of how the church should be in alignment. It was very good. You'll be surprised at Air Force basic training on how packed the churches were there.
New teaching today on Revelation 7, 8, and Leviticus 16. The same things that was done on earth in the Tabernacle will be done in heaven when the temple opens on the cloudy day! See for yourself in the following teaching! Praise King Jesus! Amen!
