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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

The fuck shit about this, and the reason why I say America is destroying itself is that this wont stop with abortion rights.

If this really goes into effect, gay marriage is next.

And then its just a few steps before banning schools teaching evolution. And so on.

Extremism doesnt stop with this here.

Im hoping people realize that too.

They won't unfortunately, because for the most part people don't care until it directly effects them.
Why do they think this matters or means anything?

Im tired of mfers acting like Republican congress people or Senators just materialize in office.

People know who they voting for.

And people voted them in.

70+ million people voted for Trump.

So what is doing fake ass show supposed to accomplish?

I said it in a thread months ago. Democrats are trash at politics. And they gonna get destroyed in mid terms.

TLDR version: Get Schumer the fuck out my face
It's dope because it can overide the SC decision.

However we all know the left ain't in lock step. Munchin vote comes with a price and even still he known to back out.
Dag if anything I thought you would be against people having kids they don’t want or can’t provide for
I think there are no perfect situations in life. I didn't grow up with money, but had a great time growing up. Poverty in America is a far cry from third worlds, and whenever I hear arguments for aborting kids that can't be provided for, it's 99% targeted at black mothers.
Why do they think this matters or means anything?

Im tired of mfers acting like Republican congress people or Senators just materialize in office.

People know who they voting for.

And people voted them in.

70+ million people voted for Trump.

So what is doing fake ass show supposed to accomplish?

I said it in a thread months ago. Democrats are trash at politics. And they gonna get destroyed in mid terms.

TLDR version: Get Schumer the fuck out my face

This has been my stance lately. I can't be mad at politicians anymore. Yes, most of them are corrupt and shitty, but they were corrupt and shitty when they were elected. It's just a fact that these terrible politicians are who the majority of the people in this country want.

I mean just think about the fact that people were bashing Bernie for being too old when he ran but then elected Biden, a guy who a lot of people were honestly questioning whether or not he was senile.
Nah White women in general are terrible people and are in way of any social progression in America.

As long as White women can marry upwardly mobile White men, they will have upwardly White men politics. They'll do whatever it takes to keep their fathers, uncle's, brothers, and husbands whole.

We all have to understand that White people vote as a family and not individuals.

All that Girlboss, I am woman hear me roar goes out the window when they get married to their White man who makes 6 figures. Now they can lay on they back, pop out babies and get a part time job at the school.

Co sign all this but extra co sign the bolded
It's dope because it can overide the SC decision.

However we all know the left ain't in lock step. Munchin vote comes with a price and even still he known to back out.

Fam theyll need 60 votes cause Republicans will filibuster even if all the dems vote to make it a law.

Meaning, Schumer is doing this knowing it will fail.

Meaning, Schumer is doing this just for show.

Meaning, get Schumer the fuck out my face.
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They won't unfortunately, because for the most part people don't care until it directly effects them.

This is why I made that post earlier about alot of people now realizing shit they didn't think would affect them is right at their front door. Alot of people who claimed not to give a fuck are now trying to figure out just how we all got here
Wasnt this one of Bidens initial campaign promises? They had all this time and now that theres been a leak all of a sudden its urgent


Muhfuckas will sit on their asses the whole time and wait till the last fuckin minute to actually do the jobs people voted them in to do

Its cause Democrats are garbage politicians man.

The first thing Democrats want to do in any legislation and try to not piss off Republicans.

Smfh. Dems = trash at politics.
Fam theyll need 60 votes cause Republicans will fillabuster even if all the dems vote to make it a law.

Meaning, Schumer is doing this knowing it will fail.

Meaning, Schumer is doing this just for show.

Meaning, get Schumer the fuck out my face.

It's a last ditch attempt to reach out to the now pretending to be shocked and surprised white women and Black conservatives who let their religious based racism override their brains.
Fam theyll need 60 votes cause Republicans will fillabuster even if all the dems vote to make it a law.

Meaning, Schumer is doing this knowing it will fail.

Meaning, Schumer is doing this just for show.

Meaning, get Schumer the fuck out my face.
Damn forgot about the filibuster. The same filibuster Munchin and Sinema refuse to abolish. Because it's unfair to the right 🙄

Round and round we go lol
Why should Munchin care about the filibuster when the POTUS doesn't even give a shit

Empty posturing from Schumer cause he certainly knows how Biden feels about this
Simple numbers game.

They need more white female babies being born to have more white children. And need more white male babies to assume their roles of power in this fucked up system.

And if more black babies are born so be it. They'll just use us to keep their prisons filled or to keep wages low.

It's cynical as hell, but also true. Preserving their power by any means.
no.......that's a actual lie being forced into the public BUT the real answer is that most abortions are from white women 1 and 2 the white race is and will be the minority soon and the government knows this. They're looking at surviving their race at all cost


Gotta look beyond the smoke screen
Not hopeful at all but I wonder if this does actually take place if it backfires on republicans. Seeing as how most people in the country regardless of party affiliation support the right to choose.. Wonder if theyll pressure their folks to fix it... Or if theyll just go to blue states to get their abortions which is more likely