Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes away at 87

In more worried about her replacement than her.

If Biden wins, we get a black woman in the supreme court. That would be super dope and trillion times better than any white male trump will replace her with
Trump gonna try quick as fuck smh
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lmao still looking for revolutionaries in the heart of empire huh?

the supreme court is one of the most undemocratic positions in the land. no matter who fills that seat, you still live in a sinkhole
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We will have the most conservative court since the 1930's with a replacement of a conservative judge smh.
remember when Bolivia had a coup??? and niggas came together to force the coup president to not even show up to the election that year as a candidate.

we got *checks notes* “vote” and *flips page* hmmmmm ughhhhhh oh it says “vote” .... again
