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So much happened this episode.

Kendall kids getting bullied because his racist work and his biggest concern was them walking the streets lmao

Gerri handing Roman that massive L

And my boy Connor not folding
Shiv couldnt even wring a verbal agreement out of Matsson
Remember ALWAYS get it in writing !!
Still not sure if Matsson and Ebba are putting on a show and playing everyone
Shiv and Tom .....another grand closing on whatever they were or whatever they had
I KNEW the Swede was on fraud shit. I fuckin knew it.

Goddamn @ the Ether dropped being Tom and Shiv. I agree. Fuck Tom. Dude's been a shitball pretty much the whole series, so I can't garner sympathy for him, but he WAS right: Shiv IS a terrible person, and probably shouldn't have kids. She snaked her own brothers for that deal, and now she might end up culpable for the Swede's fuck-ups.

Fuckin Rome. Everyone in the world knows those dick-pics where gonna come back on him. Why dudes send that shit out is beyond me.

Kendall looks strong. He might be the last one standing, but who knows. It might be that idiot Greg for all we know.
Finally watched. I was thinking Ebba and Mattson was playing them too. Mattson is way too lackadaisical about some phantom subscribers.

So either he’s a genius playing 5-dimensional chess or he’s just as much of an idiot as the Roy children. Which would make sense if he’s being portrayed as an Elon archetype.
Finally watched. I was thinking Ebba and Mattson was playing them too. Mattson is way too lackadaisical about some phantom subscribers.

So either he’s a genius playing 5-dimensional chess or he’s just as much of an idiot as the Roy children. Which would make sense if he’s being portrayed as an Elon archetype.
Just found out Mattson was wearing Kyries at the tailgate. Yea, the show runners definitely think he is an idiot, lol.