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Styles P Wants To Know Where "Black Lives Matter" Donations Go?

who the fuck is black men dying, funding who you chose to sleep with ?

so all the rioting was for what?

and who was all the white folk?
I was talking about this with @deadeye a few days ago

Interesting because its a hot topic now. We're all on the same page

So who owns the " Black Lives Matter" slogan?

I'm hearing different things.... Anybody know

I'm late on this. I didnt know George Soros owns Black lives matter.
'Thought that was just a rumor put out by the far right.
You might be right.
I don't know what's real anymore.
I support the black lives matter idea and sentiment but I don't support it if it's co-opted.
OPINION Is 'All Black Lives Matter' A Distraction From The BLM Movement?

Ironically, they're actually one and the same.


This video should leave no doubt as to what the Black Lives Matter organization is really about:

View attachment 300815

Well alrighty then

I remember zombie from the ic talking about something similar.

Yeah, he called it early on.

Thought he was talking crazy at first, but he was right.

This whole thing is kind of insidious when you think about it.

Basically, they're using the murder of black men as a cover to attack black masculinity and promote the LGBTQ agenda.


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I was talking about this with @deadeye a few days ago

Interesting because its a hot topic now. We're all on the same page


Still confusing, but I'm starting to get a grasp of what's going on.

Basically, I don't think people on the ground level of BLM have any idea about what the BLM global organization truly stands for.

My theory is, the global organization gets the big donations, grants, etc.

They give the crumbs to local BLM organizations around the world.

Nothing substantial, but just enough to keep them in the public eye.

Those "crumbs" promote the BLM movement.........and lead to larger donations for the Global Organization because the donors are under the impression that they're giving to a grassroots organization.

Which, they are in a way.

However, what little bit the local grassroots organizations receive is funneled to them by the BLM Global Organization.

The bulk of the money that gets donated to the Global Organization is used to fund LGBTQ causes.

So, if you're supporting the BLM Global Organization...........you're unwittingly supporting the LGBTQ agenda.
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So uh
About burning them black owned businesses and having someone else fix them up.....How this gonna work?

The same way Haliburton worked in the Iraq war. First we bomb all of their buildings, then we pay Haliburton (an American company) to rebuild Iraq with taxpayer money.

Having said that

Like most popular charities today, most of the money goes to marketing, salaries, other stupid expenditures annnnddd apparently campaign donations to democrats (according to the video below).

While it's diabolical that the BLM money goes to the Democratic party the one thing I can admit is that they've raised awareness to the problem.

I wish that money would go to help pay legal fees of Black people that cannot afford lawyers. On any given day, week, month there are Black people in court being charged with something and they can't afford legal representation, so they are stuck with a public defendant, which is slightly better than defending yourself.

I'm not saying that all Black people that are charged with crimes are innocent, but if they had REAL lawyers I think there would be a significant reduction in plea bargains and convictions. Just think of all the Black people that get charged with crimes that, if they had a real lawyer, they'd be able to get off.
I hate saying I told folks so but.............. I have been side eyeing some of this stuff from the jump..

Hopefully my paranoia is just that and things will work out for the best
The same way Haliburton worked in the Iraq war. First we bomb all of their buildings, then we pay Haliburton (an American company) to rebuild Iraq with taxpayer money.

Having said that

While it's diabolical that the BLM money goes to the Democratic party the one thing I can admit is that they've raised awareness to the problem.

I wish that money would go to help pay legal fees of Black people that cannot afford lawyers. On any given day, week, month there are Black people in court being charged with something and they can't afford legal representation, so they are stuck with a public defendant, which is slightly better than defending yourself.

I'm not saying that all Black people that are charged with crimes are innocent, but if they had REAL lawyers I think there would be a significant reduction in plea bargains and convictions. Just think of all the Black people that get charged with crimes that, if they had a real lawyer, they'd be able to get off.

so what you telling me is?

thats them white people that came and and incited the rioting and looting and fires....then bounce while then the black folk caught up in the energy or the looting and rioting.....i wont say fires because black people dont start fires.
anyway ...you telling me after destroying the places in the black hoods......we need them people(the govt) to come fix it up?

so what you telling me is?

thats them white people that came and and incited the rioting and looting and fires....then bounce while then the black folk caught up in the energy or the looting and rioting.....i wont say fires because black people dont start fires.
anyway ...you telling me after destroying the places in the black hoods......we need them people(the govt) to come fix it up?

I'm telling you that all of the buildings that got burned down are going to be rebuilt by the Whiteman. All you'll see is White men in construction clothes and hard hats making $40 per hour rebuilding the buildings that they burnt down. You've gotta admit, the Whiteman has a clever way of turning the economy around and reducing unemployment.

And somehow or another, the jews are going to find a way to profit from it.
I'm telling you that all of the buildings that got burned down are going to be rebuilt by the Whiteman. All you'll see is White men in construction clothes and hard hats making $40 per hour rebuilding the buildings that they burnt down. You've gotta admit, the Whiteman has a clever way of turning the economy around and reducing unemployment.

And somehow or another, the jews are going to find a way to profit from it.
so the very thing people was mad about is restarting again?

very interesting way you put it. helping the economy...interesting.


all the we dont own nothing people ......so burn it down.
we still wont own nothing if someone outside the community rebuilds
