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Don’t feel bad, I been at a stand-still the last 4.5 years. To the person Outside looking in at least.

Not a true stand-still, but it feels like sometimes...because I done had to make all kind of compromises and all that just be able to inch my way toward my goal this whole time smh. Tell you what then inches is adding up though.
I think part of the cause of people Feeling stuck might be due to lack of new ideas. Take an hour to brainstorm every night on how to improve what you already doing and right these ideas down.
I'm on the opposite end of this. I been grinding for the past 12 years with school and career so I need to relax and smell the flowers a bit. Focus more on my physical and mental. And focus on my family.

Having a clear vision on what you want to do helps tremendously with motivation. And sometimes you've just got to do something and not get stuck trying to figure out the best perfect thing.
I been kind of feeling like this about my personal life.

Kind of getting tired of looking for a new chick, fake the motions, smash for a while just to cut it off and start the process over again.
I'm an individual that's obsessed with myself. So anytime I feel a way, I become obsessed with what it is, what I can do about it, and how I can take advantage of it. I have a strong need to be on top of shit, it makes me a perfectionist on the low. That can make you feel stuck because all progress is no progress, because all progress could have been better progress.

The main thing I need to learn to do is stop and smell the Rose's, enjoy the process and not be stuck on the result of the process. It takes time and some days I dont get it right. I've learn to forgive mysel when I realize I haven't put the correct amount of effort towards that.
only on days when Im having a rough time or gotta go do some shit I REALLY dont wanna do

I'll get in that fake fantasy "man if everybody just give me all they money I wouldnt have to go thru this" shit in my head

im usually good after I smoke and/or talk to the wife......both have a way of making me reflect and put shit into perspective

she'll show me my actual growths year by year that I dont even notice, and even go as far as to remind me how the larger part of our class mates and shit havent done a damn thing

and im bad about watching folks, comparing and shit....I think we all are, to a degree, in the social media age

but when you actually taking care of business and doing what you're supposed to do, it aint pretty.....people cant see school tuition and life insurance policies and property deeds and shit....they'll swear you doing bad by your shoes
Once I fell stuck, I call it "hitting the wall". That means you hit your limit on how much you can take or your limit on how far you can go. Anytime I hit that, I move on to my next job or journey in life. Staying at A place you are miserable at is stupid and doesn't make any logical sense. A lack of motivation can stunt anyone's growth. For me, when I went overseas for the first time, which was Iceland last year, I knew this is what I wanted to do. Traveling. So I made an effort on ways to increase my pay. Just got hired at a new job doing what I do now, which is networking but almost a 75% increase in pay. Just got my ccna now working on my ccnp. Now I am trying to get into owning rentals and doing house flips as my second strain of income. Traveling and getting away from your daily task can definitely help with motivation.
i once said this back on the IC
dude really clowned me by my sneakers.
i thinking thats the last thing i worry about with all this other shit

shit we all guilty......we dont believe what we cant see

if you looking bummy and trying to tell me about money moves im probably not listening *shrugs*

that got way off the path of feeling stuck tho....I started rambling about shit I be thinking in my stuck times smh
Yup...so I moved.

One of the best decisions I've made. Had I not moved, I would've been stuck in the same rut. That was not a good feeling.

No drive
No real motivation to do anything
Being miserable all the time

Honestly the only thing that kept me active was riding around hittin up the chicks I was dealing wit. I had to break outta that.

This is the same channel that I am on right here. I feel like that I've accomplished everything that my home city offered me. I been kinda staggering around because I thought some of my peoples were firmed about putting some ventures together, but looks like they weren't. So I gotta make that move. The thing is that my options to move to another city is so broad that its difficult to pick one. I'm choosy with everything.
It's been one step forward, one step back for a couple years

Definitely time for a change