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When a man is having sex with a man he is gay, when a man is having sex with a woman, but also enjoys having sex with a man. He is either a gay man having sex with a woman, or a straight man that enjoys gay sex.
I've been in a psychiatric hospital.

They won't let you out if you are a danger to yourself or others.

So if you're thinking about killing people, that doesn't make you a killer. But when you start talking about killing people, they consider you a danger to others and you can't get out until a doctor thinks you're no longer a threat to others.
I got out
Germs is not gay.

Germs is not bi.

Germs lacks empathy.

Because germs lacks empathy he can not understand something he himself does not feel.

He's attracted to women... And only women.

So while he does not understand gay, he understands being attracted to one sex... So he thinks he understands gay.

He has no idea how to understand being attracted to two sexes, because his brain doesn't work like that.

So he decides no one is capable of being attracted to two sexes.

If I had to make assumption he can force himself thru sex..... Which is what he assumes people who claim they are bi do.

He thinks they are only attracted to one sex and force themselves thru encounters with the other sex, just kind he forces himself thru sexual encounters with women he's not attracted to.
It's not the act. You don't have to sleep with a man to be gay. You know if you are gay or not. If you are physically and sexually attracted to men you're....gay. If you want to keep that a secret, that's up to you but that doesn't make you less gay. You're still...gay.
It's not the act. You don't have to sleep with a man to be gay. You know if you are gay or not. If you are physically and sexually attracted to men you're....gay. If you want to keep that a secret, that's up to you but that doesn't make you less gay. You're still...gay.
So what you saying is i can do gay porn for money, totally not be into men at all. It's just a job to me..I'm blowing niggaz backs out and shit..but I'd not be gay?
The oddest thing I think in the this thread is that I've stated at least 2 times that every women is a lesbian and of all that I've said. That's the only thing that no one has disputed