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Stephen Boss aka 'DJ tWitch', DJ for the Ellen DeGeneres Show, dies by suicide at age 40

One common thing I've seen before tragedy struck is the a literal zombie look a person has. It's where people look like they've finally lost hope and are just coasting. Whole personality changes.

Everyone is different but I feel if they had known their problem wasn't the worst in the world, others share similar issues and most importantly someone they were willing to share with was around. Might've ended up differently.
Trying to hold this shit together mentally. When people who have been very successful do this it makes it difficult to have hope.
I know what you mean.I talked about having depression on here before.

Holidays can be tough too.

I be like "I can't even act happy so how do I stand a chance when happy niggas killing themselves?"

That shit happens in waves though.

If it's crucial get help.

But it really is all in the mind,even the actual problems I have aren't as bad as mind wants me to think they are.
Heard a rumor that the gun wasn’t found .Idk if that’s true,but if so the hotel took it or this wasn’t a suicide.
Checking out on your kids is the wackest shit in the world to me. I hate that shit. I’m tired of seeing it. The logic doesn’t compute to me. You need help, get help.

I agree with this statement.

This happened to a cousin of mine last month. Banged himself and left behind 2 young girls. How do you explain that kids under 5??

Seek help or just someone to talk to and/or focus your energy on something you like to do such as a hobby.
Trying to hold this shit together mentally. When people who have been very successful do this it makes it difficult to have hope.

I agree with @GNS

Get help asap…..you may think you have it all together until the most unexpected thing happens and derails you completely

Your mind knows how to play tricks on you when it comes to unresolved issues buried deep in your subconscious
If fighting through depression and suicidal thoughts was as simple as "talk to someone. Get a hobby" then don't you think people would do that?

Is a house built in one day??

It takes times and persistence….but the person has to fight and make changes in their patterns and behaviors

Had a conversation with a friend a mine about something like this….it’s not the conversation….it’s the RIGHT conversation that’ll change your life

But you have to be the one to get up and start reaching out..