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Statues W/ Racist Histories Are being Removed Around the Country.Update: VA Supreme Court Rules Charlottesville Can Remove Confederate Statues

Dukes Of Hazzard was a show about some goofy ass redneck cops and hillbillies. I don’t see any problem with them having a confederate flag on the car. It was a tv show . I don’t think they were doing any racist shit in that show. If anything, they were poking fun at southerners. But, I could be wrong.
Robert E Lee has schools named after him? And niggas graduated from there?

Even my hometown is in on this.

Didn't know Ceaser Rodney was a racist fuck and a slave owner.

Guess they gotta rename "Rodney Square", too.


Crackers are the kings of hypocrisy. Imagine if their were statues and bases named after black men who spewed violently racist views towards white people. Imagine statues and schools named after black men who raped, tortured, enslaved and murdered white people. Imagine holidays named after black men who participated in the attempted genocide of white people. Imagine streets named after black men who implemented laws specifically designed to make sure white people NEVER had a chance at generational wealth. Do y’all really think these peckerwoods would allow that? Fuck these motherfuckers!
Crackers are the kings of hypocrisy. Imagine if their were statues and bases named after black men who spewed violently racist views towards white people. Imagine statues and schools named after black men who raped, tortured, enslaved and murdered white people. Imagine holidays named after black men who participated in the attempted genocide of white people. Imagine streets named after black men who implemented laws specifically designed to make sure white people NEVER had a chance at generational wealth. Do y’all really think these peckerwoods would allow that? Fuck these motherfuckers!

Meh, they know all of that. He is jus playing to his audience n telling them what they want to hear.

Its all a hustle
Ya know.

What I would like.....,for every racist statue torn down. They need to open them books an trace all the free money they got from the slaves.
I know they bought the slaves an gave them scraps but people need to follow the money trail.

Cuz uh.
I think what I’m seeing is more imagery. Out of sight out of mind.

Don’t let up y’all. .