Well go out the thread if you have a problem with me responding to stuff in here or put me on ignore, problem solved. I ain't said nothing disrespectful to you so quit crying.
I'm not in the mood for your dumb shit lil girl. Go play somewhere else. This week ain't the time for it.
I said nothing to the girl disrespectfully in here, I just said no to spoilers. I could care less she's carrying around her dislike for me in every thread
Hug it out?

Yo jaz, real talk, but why are you so eager to find out what's going to happen over the next three episodes?

As much as I've shitted on the show recently, I ain't about to go out of my way to watch no shit quality version or read it from someone who watched the shit quality version.

Just asking love
too late...everything is out there in the open now

i'ma still watch, begrudgingly, but i'ma still watch
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Man the season is done as far as I'm concerned. I've watched 8, 9, and 10 a couple of days ago.