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Spotify Takes Down Alex Jones for Violating Policy. Update:YouTube has deleted Info Wars channel…


Spotify has taken down some episodes of Alex Jones‘ show after public outcry that they would be giving him a platform in the first place.

In the past few days, there’s been public pressure on Spotify to take down the InfoWars conspiracy theorist’s podcast, and now they have taken some action.

Per Recode:

We take reports of hate content seriously and review any podcast episode or song that is flagged by our community,” a Spotify spokesperson told Recode. “Spotify can confirm it has removed specific episodes of ‘The Alex Jones Show’ podcast for violating our hate content policy.”

Jones recently got a Facebook suspension



More Trouble For Alex Jones: Facebook Takes Down Pages For Rules Violations

Facebook on Monday announced it had “unpublished” four pages associated with Alex Jones and his right-wing conspiracy website, Infowars, for repeated violations of Facebook’s community standards.

Facebook said the four pages — “the Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the Infowars Page and the Infowars Nightly News Page” — had been removed “for repeated violations of Community Standards and accumulating too many strikes.”

“In addition, one of the admins of these Pages – Alex Jones – was placed in a 30-day block for his role in posting violating content to these Pages,” Facebook said.

The pages violated Facebook’s hate speech, bullying and graphic violence policies, Facebook said, noting that since last week it had taken down material from the pages for “glorifying violence.”

“None of the violations,” it said, were related to “false news.”

Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson wrote in a tweet and an article on Infowars’ websitethat the outlet had been “permanently” banned from Facebook. But Facebook said unpublished pages can appeal that decision. “If they don’t appeal or their appeal fails, we remove the Page,” the website’s statement read.

Watson called the move “a shocking intensification of Big Tech’s censorship purge.”

Apple also removed Jones’ and Infowars podcasts from iTunes and Apple Podcasts on Monday, with one exception, according to the Washington Post. Stitcher, the podcast application, removed Jones’ podcasts on Friday, per Billboard. Spotify removed The Alex Jones Show on Monday, The Guardian reported, but left up Infowars other podcasts.

Jones is well-known for his conspiracy theories about major historical events like September 11th, and for often random assertions, like his belief that Jews have in the past dressed up as Nazis in order to exaggerate the size of the extremist far-right.

Currently, Jones faces several lawsuits for his assertion that the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting, which left 20 children and six adults dead, was a hoax. The parents of one six-year-old Sandy Hook victim said they’d moved seven times after stalkers repeatedly found out where they were living and began harassing them.

“I would love to go see my son’s grave and I don’t get to do that, but we made the right decision,” Veronique De La Rosa, part of a defamation suit against Jones, told the New York Times late last month.
Black people: it's about time, this stupid crap should've been taken down.

Whites: this is all an agenda to ban the truth, goes to show jones was right all along; michelle obama is a man.
Good. He’ll spin this into some odd conspiracy against him, which will be hilarious. Now, God needs to ban him from life.

Alex Jones Goes Live to Respond to Social Media Crackdown, Invokes The Alamo: ‘Remember InfoWars’

If you thought Alex Jones would have a thoughtful, reflective, coherent reaction to the increased stranglehold on his social media accounts, think again.

The Infowars conspiracy factory chief has offered a reaction to the news that YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Spotify have all cracked down on him for repeated violations of their policy guidelines. Jones lashed out at Chinese telecom giants and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, claiming at one point that “it’s only made us stronger” now that he’s been “shadow-banned.”

After some more lunatic raving (including the part where Jones called New York Times a “globalist intelligence agency”), he accused other major media outlets and the “evil, wicked sociopaths” they employ of leading a combined effort to take down Infowars.

I made the conscious decision to take action. I made the conscious decision to draw their fire and expose who they were believing in you, and believing when you see the Alamo assaulted and myself probably destroyed…that is ‘Remember Infowars. Remember Free Speech.'”

Oh, and Jones also took the opportunity to ask his audience to give him money and buy his website’s quack merch.


Infowars’ Own Website Admits ‘It Is Not Censorship If You Violate the Rules and Your Post is Deleted’

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has responded to social media platforms removing Infowars’ pages by claiming he is being targeted in a “Nazi style censorship” campaign, when in reality, the content is being taken down because it violates terms of use rules incorporated by the sites.

Ironically, Infowars own website has a list of terms and conditions that one must agree to if they wish to use the website, which states, “It is not censorship if you violate the rules and your post is deleted.”

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and a number of other social media giants have opted to drop Jones and Infowars content from their sites, which, according to Jones, is a violation of his right to free speech, as he can no longer post on those platforms. Of course, the obvious rebuttle to Jones and his ilk is that private companies — unlike the government — are not required to allow you to use their space to broadcast your ideas.

Which brings us to the Infowars terms of service page:

You will not post anything libelous, defamatory, harmful, threatening, harassing, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, or otherwise illegal. You will not make threats to other users or people not associated with the site. If you violate these rules, your posts and/or user name will be deleted. Remember: you are a guest here. It is not censorship if you violate the rules and your post is deleted. All civilizations have rules and if you violate them you can expect to be ostracized from the tribe.”

Jones and Infowars have managed to violate nearly all those rules on other websites, but instead of responding by accepting that he is broken the rules of other sites — who, just like Infowars, are allowed to decide who uses their platforms — Jones has responded with hysterics.

“Have your fake victory over free speech (Alex Jones), don’t recognize you’re against your own birth right,” Jones tweeted in response. “But we know the only reason you’re censoring Infowars is because we’re more effective than you could ever imagine. As you fake celebrate, we know deep down you’re miserable.”

It is not clear when Jones and Infowars crossed the line in the eyes of Silicon Valley, but his history of pushing conspiracies about 9/11, Pizzagate, and Sandy Hook are among his most famous instances of disturbing behavior.