Spirit Beings over Milwaukee or just "seagulls"?

I don’t get how no one can understand this..

News captures “spirit orbs” or “ufo’s”

It’s epic as Fuck

It covers the city

It’s above the WHOLE CITY

yet no one else sees it? No reports. No police reports. No video. No pictures.

This means that nothing happened over the city and what was seen on video is simply an illusion.

Learn how cameras can work in different situations. Don’t be fucking ignorant all your life. This is uncalled for. It’s simple shit. lol
LOL @ an illusion.

Bro you've lost it.

Put the pipe down.
I think it’s an illusion, be it birds or not

This guy thinks it’s spirit orbs and yet I need to put the pipe down?

This is crazy as fuck.

I legit believe these are normal earthly things and I’m crazy. LMAO
If you compare the other two videos; the birds above city hall and the Milwaukee lights.. you see the same movements

Birds are flocked in one area, while others fly around

It’s literally the same fucking thing!

Birds don’t move like that? rofl then how broski? Tell me their flight patterns and characteristics.

How do you know angels move like that?

Look at this video

Like really look at it!

Slap yourself if you say "seagulls" move like those "lights" are moving.

Slap yourself again if you say this is an illusion.

And put down the weed for once. Your brains are fried.
Check it

The video presented (posted by me on the first page explaining this “phenomenon”)

Shows a flock of seagulls above city hall.. you can see they’re birds when zoomed in, but they’re white and reflecting the lights from below.. because they’re close, they’re not blurring or streaking, so the guy gives it that effect and guess what? It matches up w the other video..

It would make sense, too.. those birds are further away, the cameras resolution doesn’t pick up the detail w the city lights and dark night sky, the birds still reflect the city lights (proof seen in the city hall video), and they now become blurred to the camera.. giving it a streaking effect..

It continues to make sense as to why no one else reported this or recorded this at all. Regardless of the time.. people are up at 4am. The world doesn’t all sleep together.

Also, You can recreate these effects on camera at night w fireworks or bugs flying in front of lightbulbs (you’ll see the bugs “streak” or become elongated when they’re just a regular beetle)

This doesn’t prove the non existence of your spirits, it just proves you fucked up. Man up. God won’t be mad.
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If you compare the other two videos; the birds above city hall and the Milwaukee lights.. you see the same movements

Birds are flocked in one area, while others fly around

It’s literally the same fucking thing!

Birds don’t move like that? rofl then how broski? Tell me their flight patterns and characteristics.

How do you know angels move like that?

Like I said in the OP I've seen those same lights before personally.

First time I seen one was when I was working at Coca-Cola 10 years ago. One manifested over my head out of no where about 100 feet up and then zoomed away and vanished.

It looked just like one of those lights in the video. Except it was only about 100 feet away from me above me head.

I knew that the orb of light I saw was totally indestructible and it could destroy anything on the planet if it wanted to. But I always felt that it was good. Thus I equated my first sighting of a "spirit being" to a good angel.
Check it

The video presented (posted by me on the first page explaining this “phenomenon”)

Shows a flock of seagulls above city hall.. you can see they’re birds when zoomed in, but they’re white and reflecting the lights from below.. because they’re close, they’re not blurring or streaking, so the guy gives it that effect and guess what? It matches up w the other video..

It would make sense, too.. those birds are further away, the cameras resolution doesn’t pick up the detail w the city lights and dark night sky, the birds still reflect the city lights (proof seen in the city hall video), and they now become blurred to the camera.. giving it a streaking effect..

It continues to make sense as to why no one else reported this or recorded this at all. Regardless of the time.. people are up at 4am. The world doesn’t all sleep together.

Also, You can recreate these effects on camera at night w fireworks or bugs flying in front of lightbulbs (you’ll see the bugs “streak” or become elongated when they’re just a regular beetle)

This doesn’t prove the non existence of your spirits, it just proves you fucked up. Man up. God won’t be mad.

Only thing is that no one recreated any "effects". It was a NEWS STATION live feed at 4am in Milwaukee.

Birds don't move that fast
Birds don't fly in those patterns
Birds don't vanish in and out.

Be honest VIBE.
birds dont leave trail....and most dont fly at night