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Spirit Beings over Milwaukee or just "seagulls"?


The Cloudy Day is Near!

Those Orbs of light are spirit beings. I’ve personally seen singular orbs of light like the ones in the video appear above me in the sky at night but never have I seen so many together like in the video. The media has already come up with an explanation for the video and said that they are “seagulls”. But anybody with a shred of integrity knows that seagulls don’t move like that.


The time is short. God continues to allow the veil that separates the spiritual world from our world to be lifted higher and higher. Even filmed evidence exists of the spiritual world . But the world will never understand these things because they choose to remain blind and reject the supernatural by suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. Only worldwide cataclysmic judgment will wake the world up. And that time is near! Just yesterday the PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said this:



This is all leading up to the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies found in Ezekiel 38-39, Psalm 83, and Psalm 17! Those 3 prophecies all happen in the context of the day of the Lord when the temple In heaven is opened! When the door in heaven is opened Yeshua comes down riding on the clouds, the harvest of the wheat occurs and we (the church) are taken into the Fathers house for the marriage supper of the lamb, and great destruction will rain down on the planet to begin the tribulation period! On the day of sudden destruction, when the temple in heaven is opened, The greatest earthquake in human history will occur which will shake everything on the planet to its foundation, hail stones and coals of fire will pour down on mankind with each stone weighing 100 pounds each and mankind blaspheming the name of God because the plague of hail will be exceeding great! The 4 winds of heaven will be released which are the 4 horses of Revelation 6, which is also the chariot of God that He rides on when the cloudy day comes! When the 4th horse accomplishes his task 1/4 of all mankind will be dead!

And that’s just the beginning of the great and dreadful day of the LORD! For then the 4th beast kingdom will take over the rule of the earth from Babylon the Great that was destroyed in the day of sudden destruction. And the 10 Kings of the 4th beast kingdom will give their power and strength to the little horn (the Antichrist) who will appear and have all the answers to a world that has been plunged into chaos!

This is a high watch season because we are on the cusp of the fulfillment of the most major milestone of all! The 70 year anniversary of the nation of Israel! Everything is converging right at the time when Israel is about to celebrate its 70 year anniversary! How can this all just be by chance or coincidence? How can everything be lining up according to Bible prophecy with the 70 year anniversary of Israel only a few months away? God is doing something! He said the children of light will not be caught unawares when the thief comes because we will be watching for the thief to come so that our house will not be broken into!

Psalm 90:10 tells us “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.”

The final generation is here! God says that the generation who sees Israel bloom
And blossom again will not pass away until all things are fulfilled! After 70 years are up only trouble and toil comes according to Psalm 90:10. The toil and trouble that is coming is the tribulation period!

No one knows the day or the hour, but this is the time and season! We can know the times and season! And everything is lining up just like God said in His word! Sadly only a few understand! The church of Sardis is asleep! The church of Ephesus has left its first love! The church of Thyatira commits sexual immorality! The church of Laodecia only cares about prosperity and is thus lukewarm! God is describing the attitude of this generation of believers! But praise be to God that there is a remnant who will be ready like the church of Philadelphia is! And for that church there is an open door of escape that God will take us through and spare us from the hour of trial that is coming on all the world to try those who are left behind! May we continue to occupy until He comes so that when He comes He will find us being about our Fathers business and not eating and drinking with the drunkards! God bless you and I pray this word ministers to you! In JESUS name! Amen!

“Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36
Listening to the argument that it’s a flock of birds makes sense.

Lighting, camera resolution, reflection etc..

not only that, not a single other camera picked up these “spirit orbs”... something this massive over a city would’ve went viral the same day, this is 6-7 Days later and it’s not even a big deal to the ufo youtubers.
Listening to the argument that it’s a flock of birds makes sense.

Lighting, camera resolution, reflection etc..

not only that, not a single other camera picked up these “spirit orbs”... something this massive over a city would’ve went viral the same day, this is 6-7 Days later and it’s not even a big deal to the ufo youtubers.

This was reported by the news station VIBE. It was 4am. People are sleep or just getting up and about to go to work. The station camera for the news station is the one who got the picture of it.

And I heard about it when it happened 6 days ago. I just now gotten around to posting about it. Amen.
Show me one video taken outside this news broadcast.

Something this epic would’ve been seen by everyone. No fucks given about it being 4am either. I’ve been up at 4am and there’s plenty of eyes awake to see shit. People go to work, hit the gym, store, travel etc.

Show me ONE other video. Otherwise, everything explained makes sense.
Well dayum.

Them aint no seagulls nor birds. Birds don't light up in the dark like that from a 100 feet away or however far the camera is.

Man that's crazy Lol.
We can keep playing stupid or understand how shit works under different camera lighting, speed, shutter, darkness, reflective light etc..
Show me one video taken outside this news broadcast.

Something this epic would’ve been seen by everyone. No fucks given about it being 4am either. I’ve been up at 4am and there’s plenty of eyes awake to see shit. People go to work, hit the gym, store, travel etc.

Show me ONE other video. Otherwise, everything explained makes sense.

LOL. If it was a regular person taking the video you would say the exact opposite!

"Show me news station footage"

"I want to see authentic footage from a news station"

"It was photoshopped by the person"

Bro The evidence was reported by the very people who HIDE evidence. So in your reality you will not believe it even if there were 100 different video feeds of the event because you have fixed your mind and have been blinded by the evil one to deny the reality of the supernatural. Sad to be in such a state when the time is so short VIBE.

The end is at hand VIBE and when it suddenly comes you will have no time to repent if you don't repent before it happens. Amen.
look at how night bugs fly in front of cameras..

they’re elongated and look odd.. but there simply bugs that are “alien” or “spirit” looking due to lighting, shutter, exposure etc..

it ain’t that complex guys

Again, something THIS epic would’ve been captured on other video recording devices

This is the only one to exist. Wonder why? Maybe because that camera caught birds and nothing really out of the ordinary.
That video is a bunch of hot garbage. The video of the birds are taken at close range looking straight up with the light reflecting.

The video of the "Spirit beings" was taken from a far off vantage point at least a few miles away. Get real and miss me with that nonsense.
Fact: one video exists

Do you know what this means? What you think happened over a city, blazing spirit orbs, didn’t happen.

Not ufos
Not drones
Not spirits
Not angels
Not demons
Not airplanes
Not skydivers (which I thought it was at first, I seen many night dives as I formerly lived by a skydiving facility)

Bruh, not a single other person reported this.

Look at the Arizona lights - numerous sightings and videos

This here would’ve not gone under the radar.

It’s logic, broski.
look at how night bugs fly in front of cameras..

they’re elongated and look odd.. but there simply bugs that are “alien” or “spirit” looking due to lighting, shutter, exposure etc..

it ain’t that complex guys

Again, something THIS epic would’ve been captured on other video recording devices

This is the only one to exist. Wonder why? Maybe because that camera caught birds and nothing really out of the ordinary.

Do you not see that the video by the news station camera was looking at the "falling lights in the sky" from miles away?

Those lights are a bit higher in the sky than those seagulls flying around that building to me, plus I don't think seagulls fly that high at (night). I can be wrong though. Then it's like 7-11 of those lights and it was a flock of seagulls are birds,

Wouldn't all the birds be lit and not just 7-11?
Fact: one video exists

Do you know what this means? What you think happened over a city, blazing spirit orbs, didn’t happen.

Not ufos
Not drones
Not spirits
Not angels
Not demons
Not airplanes
Not skydivers (which I thought it was at first, I seen many night dives as I formerly lived by a skydiving facility)

Bruh, not a single other person reported this.

Look at the Arizona lights - numerous sightings and videos

This here would’ve not gone under the radar.

It’s logic, broski.

It's 4am in the morning in Milwaukee!!!!!!!!!

Who is out with their camera filming besides a news station?
I don’t get how no one can understand this..

News captures “spirit orbs” or “ufo’s”

It’s epic as Fuck

It covers the city

It’s above the WHOLE CITY

yet no one else sees it? No reports. No police reports. No video. No pictures.

This means that nothing happened over the city and what was seen on video is simply an illusion.

Learn how cameras can work in different situations. Don’t be fucking ignorant all your life. This is uncalled for. It’s simple shit. lol
Birds or not, it’s simply an illusion.

It’s logic guys.

Those lights over that city would’ve been all over the internet. Again, not even ufo enthusiasts are claiming this sighting. It’s lame.