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South Park Mexican "Forty Eight" album (10.5]

But he was convicted tho..... alleged and convicted are not the same. Homie did that so death tonjim. Lol WTF

Cain I get its supposed to be all black and white but dont be D Morgan dense today

he was convicted because of what I just said.....we ALL KNOW guilty or not guilty has nothing to do with it in our system......he had a bad record/persona and not near enough money

No, we hate pedos. I fucked with SPM until he caught that case and all the details came out. Can't support that shit. It could have guest verses from Rakim, Nas, KRS, Redman, Jay, Kool G Rap, The D.O.C., Tash, Opio, King Tee, and any other MC I respect, but it will get no spins or any money 'cause the dude is a chomo.

peace be with you

the last thread made it all about me caping for pedos which isnt the case if you can think on your own for a minute

he can go to hell if he did it

theres just a lotta more famed, rich, and popular people who have all slid by with sick shit....they should all be gone and hated
Also shocked to know I aint the only nigga that was bumpin his shit.

Used to listen to dude all through middle school and some of high school but thats cause most my homies were mexican back then

we actually beefed w/ the mexicans here but I was cool with a lot of them in Texas.....i was fuckin wit him on screw tapes before all that but they put me up on more shit.....him and Frost are like the cholo gods lol (MUSICALLY, before somebody loses their draws)
But he was convicted tho..... alleged and convicted are not the same. Homie did that so death to him. Lol WTF

To be fair, "convicted" doesn't always mean he did that shit when you consider all the dudes getting let out of prison after their old cases are getting re-evaluated with current DNA testing.

However, this case is different: He had a sexual relationship with a 13 year old, who had his baby at 14. He was 23 when the kid was born... And she sued him for child support and won. So there's a precedence of his chomo ways even before the 9 year old. Even if he could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he never touched that 9 year old and got the case overturned and thrown out, he's still a known chomo and can still catch a statutory rape charge thanks to his son's very existence because the age of consent in TX is 17.
To be fair, "convicted" doesn't always mean he did that shit when you consider all the dudes getting let out of prison after their old cases are getting re-evaluated with current DNA testing.

However, this case is different: He had a sexual relationship with a 13 year old, who had his baby at 14. He was 23 when the kid was born... And she sued him for child support and won. So there's a precedence of his chomo ways even before the 9 year old. Even if he could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he never touched that 9 year old and got the case overturned and thrown out, he's still a known chomo and can still catch a statutory rape charge thanks to his son's very existence because the age of consent in TX is 17.

her family would have accepted a nice lump sum and we'd never hear about it
lmao the only reason I know about this dude is because the allegations.

Wasn't he the dude that smashed a stripper that lied about her age?
her family would have accepted a nice lump sum and we'd never hear about it

and they got it too: She sued for 28K in back child support and won.

I just looked it up again: One of the charges he was convicted on WAS for the chick he had his son with. The 45 years wasn't just for the 9 year old, it was for both girls.
Los aint do that shit.

Hes the one who told your kids to stay in school.

Free the messkin

He had a kid with a 13 year old. Paternity had been proven in order to secure child support. That paternity test was used as evidence to secure a second charge against SPM. Even if you throw out the 9 year old he's still sitting in prison for fucking a child.

He had a kid with a 13 year old. Paternity had been proven in order to secure child support. That paternity test was used as evidence to secure a second charge against SPM. Even if you throw out the 9 year old he's still sitting in prison for fucking a child.


Words from Los hisself...

As far as my son with Jill Odom, he’s a gift from heaven, no matter how you look at it. He’s something I’ll never regret. Still, the fact remains that Jill lied about her age and God knows that’s the truth. I was a twenty-two-year-old zombie who lived in a haze of fry smoke and alcohol, but I’m not making any excuses for myself. When the DA offered five years for both Jane Doe’s and Jill Odom’s case, I told my lawyer, “I’ll take ten years for my son, but I won’t say I did something that I didn’t do.” There was no doubt in my mind that I would win in court if that’s what they wanted to do. Now, that five years doesn’t sound so bad. I would’ve done 2 ½ and been home by 2004.

I keep hearing this thing about Jill being a stripper when I met her, but I’ve never said that and I doubt it’s true. She became a stripper later in life, and maybe that’s where the confusion came about. I met her through a friend named MC Free. He and I were in a rap group back in ’93, ’94. I would go to his house in Denver Harbor (a neighborhood in Houston) and we would work on songs. One night some chicks called his house and wanted to chill. It was Jill, her sister and some other chick.

To me, Jill was just a girl from Pasadena who would spend the night every now and then. She knew I had a girlfriend, and she told me about a boyfriend she had in the Army. She had a picture of him, some Black dude in a military uniform.

Jill lived with her parents but she came and went as she pleased so, of course, I thought she was of age. I was having sex with her, not giving a damn if she got pregnant. I might’ve been smoking fry back then, but you’d have to be fucking insane to not care about going to prison for impregnating an underaged girl. I later found out that she was one of those females infatuated with having a baby, and she found the perfect dumbass to help her out.

I don’t know how else to say it. I fucked up in the situation with Jill, but this was a full-figured girl. Who the fuck would be attracted to a kid? There’s no body, no tits, no ass. I’m sorry to be blunt, but come on dumb bitch. Ask people who know me, I fucked with nothing but thick stallion hoes.
Words from Los hisself...

As far as my son with Jill Odom, he’s a gift from heaven, no matter how you look at it. He’s something I’ll never regret. Still, the fact remains that Jill lied about her age and God knows that’s the truth. I was a twenty-two-year-old zombie who lived in a haze of fry smoke and alcohol, but I’m not making any excuses for myself. When the DA offered five years for both Jane Doe’s and Jill Odom’s case, I told my lawyer, “I’ll take ten years for my son, but I won’t say I did something that I didn’t do.” There was no doubt in my mind that I would win in court if that’s what they wanted to do. Now, that five years doesn’t sound so bad. I would’ve done 2 ½ and been home by 2004.

I keep hearing this thing about Jill being a stripper when I met her, but I’ve never said that and I doubt it’s true. She became a stripper later in life, and maybe that’s where the confusion came about. I met her through a friend named MC Free. He and I were in a rap group back in ’93, ’94. I would go to his house in Denver Harbor (a neighborhood in Houston) and we would work on songs. One night some chicks called his house and wanted to chill. It was Jill, her sister and some other chick.

To me, Jill was just a girl from Pasadena who would spend the night every now and then. She knew I had a girlfriend, and she told me about a boyfriend she had in the Army. She had a picture of him, some Black dude in a military uniform.

Jill lived with her parents but she came and went as she pleased so, of course, I thought she was of age. I was having sex with her, not giving a damn if she got pregnant. I might’ve been smoking fry back then, but you’d have to be fucking insane to not care about going to prison for impregnating an underaged girl. I later found out that she was one of those females infatuated with having a baby, and she found the perfect dumbass to help her out.

I don’t know how else to say it. I fucked up in the situation with Jill, but this was a full-figured girl. Who the fuck would be attracted to a kid? There’s no body, no tits, no ass. I’m sorry to be blunt, but come on dumb bitch. Ask people who know me, I fucked with nothing but thick stallion hoes.

So he admits to fucking a 13 year old. I give no fucks about her body: Once that lil girl opened her mouth to speak it would have been a wrap. You can tell just from the convo that she's underage.
So he admits to fucking a 13 year old. I give no fucks about her body: Once that lil girl opened her mouth to speak it would have been a wrap. You can tell just from the convo that she's underage.

Im just here to clear up an confusion.

and they got it too: She sued for 28K in back child support and won.

I just looked it up again: One of the charges he was convicted on WAS for the chick he had his son with. The 45 years wasn't just for the 9 year old, it was for both girls.

you think 28k in child support is hush money??

im talking hundreds of thousands

theres threads on this shit going right now....happens all the time and nobody bats an eye

til 15-20 years later when the money runs out and they cant keep em quiet no more