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South African Olympic champion Caster Semenya has lost her landmark legal case

While I dont think she should be allowed to compete with women

I definitely think race played a huge part in the decision

Tough break but imma go back to ngaf as soon as I hit post reply
I believe she was born female. She's a woman with hyperandrogenism. Anyways, it's a touchy subject and she wouldn't have a chance against men. She wouldn't even be in the top 300 in the 800m lol
I believe she was born female. She's a woman with hyperandrogenism. Anyways, it's a touchy subject and she wouldn't have a chance against men. She wouldn't even be in the top 300 in the 800m lol

he wasn't. male with a defect that prevented his dick and balls from forming properly. the family decided t raise him as a female because of this.
Niggas refuse to just say dude is a dude

lemme help these cats out with that:








There's no evidence of that. People just speculate.

Yes, there is. It's a fundamental part of the IAAF case. Caster's chromosomal sex markers are XY. He does not have ovaries or a uterus but he DOES have internal testes that produce male levels of testosterone. Ergo: Caster was developing as a male in the womb but something interrupted that process.

The press release specifically says, “... The DSD covered by the Regulations are limited to athletes with ’46 XY DSD– i.e. conditions where the affected individual has XY chromosomes...” If Caster wasn’t XY, the IAAF’s regulations wouldn't apply and there would be no reason to challenge them.