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Yeah but profit ain’t enough. They need to hit certain targets. There’s only so much money they can throw at projects so it has to make more profit than other potential projects to get considered.

It's not gonna see Endgame profits, but considering all the delays and whatnot to get this movie released. They will consider it an success.


This movie, Batman and Dr Strange are 3 comic book movies I could care less to see or at the least go to a theater to watch. Dr Strange hopefully better than the first one.

I've heard some say Morbius isn't as bad as people make it out to be and it's aight at best. I'll take their word on it because I'm not spending a nickel on it.
Lol you watched it?

lmfao caught it on gang Sony need to pay my gotdamn internet bill for the month for this fuckery.

absolutely no one was entertained. lol film was cheeks and the end credits were fuckin laughable. These niggas just doin anything.

lol at niggas acting surprised. I made it clear from jump I planned on watching this bullshit on gang for free just to come back here and shit on it.