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Breaking News Something in that Texas water. ANOTHER school shooter in Santa Fe, Texas


Incoming NRA Chief Oliver North Blames ‘Ritalin’ and ‘Culture of Violence’ For Mass Shootings

NRA President Oliver North said Sunday, just two days after 10 people were killed at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas, that guns are not the problem. Rather, North said, the issue is a culture of violence where many young boys have “been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten.”

“The disease in this case isn’t the 2nd amendment,” North told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. “The disease is youngsters who are steeped in a culture of violence, they’ve been drugged in many cases.”North, who was named to his position earlier this month, observed that most mass shooters are males who grew up in “a culture where violence is commonplace.”

“If you look at what has happened to these young people, many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten,” North added.

While the shooters in Parkland, Florida and some other massacres had flown under the radar of law enforcement for months or years in some cases, the 17-year-old shooter in Santa Fe gave little indication before the shooting that he posed a threat.

North’s statement echoes what Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told ABC’s George Stephanopolous Sunday on This Week. Patrick suggested that Americans should not be surprised by the number of recent shootings since “we have devalued life.”

another one taken into custody
I hate the god taken out of school shit

When god was in school these white cousin fuckers was way more volatile.

Matter of fact. Gun violence is down than it was 20 to 30 years ago.
For these people that believe "bullying" was the root cause of these school shootings........This is what real bullying looks like below. I have never heard of the black children that were told "Nigger go home" among other things, come back and commit mass school shootings during the 50s/60s/70s
