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Breaking News Something in that Texas water. ANOTHER school shooter in Santa Fe, Texas

When will these white parents will be held accountable for their child's school shooting actions? I maybe wrong but is there a law in New Jersey that the parents of a bully can go to jail? If that is true then why we can't prosecute these little demon parents? Because we all know when you are young, black & victim of being killed by the police, then the media will twist victim to the bad guy & say he/she didn't have a good upbringing
Americans need to hold their government responsible.

Celebs gotta stop this. It almost enables this type of shit since it’s always taken care of by everyone else. The responsibility falls from those who need to step up.

Nothing wrong with celebs doing this, funerals so expensive so if he wants to help and relieve some of the burden from the family I'm all for it. Lets face facts, those people you say need to step up they never will and the close to 20 years since Columbine has proven that.
I’m not saying it wrong at all. But there’s no responsibly to our govt who should be taking care of these situations.

They ignore pleas for new laws. They ignore the dead. They ignore it all. Everyone else steps up to help, which is great, it’s necessary. They should help, but something needs to be done in forcing their hand. (govt)
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Random thought but another fucked up thing is, unless they kill themselves these mass shooters always get caught with not even a stratch on them, but yet blacks get gunned down for holding cell phones as night, pointing pipes at ppl, being mentally ill..smh crazy how white privilege applies to even mass murderers
Issue is deeper than guns. It's the psyche of this country. It's diseased.

Well America has had 22 school shooting this year and it's only May - no other developed country in the world has this problem that America has.

Gun control took place in Australia following the last school shooting there in 2002 and there hasn't been one since. Gun control took place in the UK after the Dunblane shooting in 1996 and there hasn't been another incident since... Meanwhile, in a country where it's easier to buy a gun than it is buying alcohol and people are still dancing around the issue by blaming others instead of accepting the fact that for this problem to stop you will have to give up your irrational obsession for guns and accept actual and proper gun control across the board. Politicians won't do anything while the NRA keep lining their pockets, but it shouldn't be just teenagers actively campaigning for gun reform. How many children need to be shot up in your schools until the rest of America gets it? How long are we going to wait until the next school shooting? 1 week? 2 weeks? A month? The narrative is the same every single time and it's getting tiresome and pathetic now.
Black people get too caught up in their agenda. This case gun control. 17 people were shot in a 13 hour period this weekend in Chicago. A 13 year old boy was killed during all the shooting. The media has completely ignored this situation once again. Instead of getting all riled up over white issues why not focus on our own? The Chicago situation can't even receive the ole thoughts and prayers that that they throw away. Wake up. They don't care because we are not in this together. They only need your support and numbers but never support us.


Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Suggests Abortion Led to Santa Fe Shooting

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick pointed to abortion as one of the potential causes for the Santa Fe school shooting on Friday that left 10 people dead.

Patrick, a Republican, addressed the latest tragedy Sunday on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopolous. Patrick suggested that Americans should not be surprised by the taking of innocent life, since “we have devalued life.”

“Whether it’s through abortion, whether it’s the break-up of families, through violent movies, and particularly violent video games,” Patrick said, reverting to a familiar Republican talking point.

During his interview with This Week and in separate interviews on other networks, Patrick suggested the solution to preventing more school shootings going forward is to arm teachers.

Patrick said that guns “are part of who we are as a nation,” referring to the Second Amendment.

“You know, it talks about a well-run militia – the 2nd Amendment – our teachers are part of that well-run militia, by the way,” Patrick told Stephanopolous on This Week.

Patrick’s call to arm teachers matched calls of other Republicans around the country in the wake of Friday’s shooting. Some Republicans, including Patrick, have also called for single entry and exit points at schools.

“[W]e need to get down to one or two entrances into our schools. You have the necessary exits for fire, of course. But we have to funnel our students into our schools, so we can put eyes on them,” Patrick told CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union.

So abortion,video games and violent movies are responsible...