"Solidarity Doesnt Require Community" What Yall Think About This Clip?

What does it mean to be "in community"?

Ideally, it's groups of people being in close association for mutual benefit. It's all that comes with communal engagement.. socializing, cooperating, creating and sharing both tangibles and intangibles to both claim and defend a stake in life.

The woman speaks of creating boundaries to help black ppl but I'm gonna guess this is only because she recognizes that all the varying and distinctive beliefs and ways of life among any group of people naturally establishes rifts in thought and action. We don't all think or do the same despite our race. Period. Knowing this fact, you can't possibly achieve 100% community. You try as much as is feasible to create community, but once you've reached the dead end you inevitably have to veer into compromise territory. That comprise is the solidarity at a distance she's referring to.

I know the naysayers on here know this because they dutifully engage with the rift on a daily basis. There are times we've gotta set aside differences to fight the good fight like we do when protests erupt on the streets. But set aside time for a town hall debate after the protest and you'll see just how much discord their really is.
You dont need to have personal relationships with ppl to know if you fuck with them/what they stand for or not

I don’t want to sound like these young kids out here but I’m big into a person energy and how I feel when I’m around them. That can be childish but I roll with it a lot now.
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I don’t want to sound like these young kids out here but I’m big into a person energy and how I feel when I’m around them. That can be childish but I roll with it a lot now.
We all feed off different things. If it hasn’t steered you wrong......no one can say it’s childish
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This lady is talking about her love for black people, while making statements on how she doesn’t like certain members of the population. She is even making all types of faces and noises to drive her point home. She’s speaking about the entire race when she says you need boundaries to love black people. If she was white or a immigrant this would be a very different conversation.

It was a poor choice of words on her behalf. Not to mention she compared her “fight” for freedom to Tubman fight. Tubman got her freedom and constantly went back to free others. Tubman pulled guns on slaves who was scared and wanted to turn around. She FORCED freedom on them. But this woman says Tubman didn’t fight anyone to be free.

Solidarity doesn’t require community? Then why does she think we need her as a community activist?
To say you love black ppl but don't like all of them is just.....common sense. We don't have to like each other as ppl or ever break bread or any of that to have a baseline understanding that this country should treat black ppl in accordance with what's constitutionally owed. We don't ask white ppl to love us, like us, or care about us. Just to stop fuckin with us and impeding progress.

And Harriet didn't force freedom on anyone. If you chose to make the journey you was gon bring yo ass the entire way. Because not doing so would make it hot for her and the others. Let's not rewrite history.
How can you have a solidarity without a community?

The first step of any political struggle is organization.

Who we are, what where we come from, what are we fighting for.

The problem with majority of Black spaces and organizations is that they lack community. People talk about community when they really talking about a population. I would define community as a pro-social network between a multitude of people.

A lot of Black people struggle for concepts and ideas and not actual material political goals that would improve the life and status of Black people. Black love is an idea, the material political goal of that would be, how can we create upwardly mobile, intact, Black families. What's love got to do with it? A Black family should be considered a political duty if you wanna be serious about it.

Nothing can exist without community. Your individual sentiment means nothing. It don't matter how many Black revolutionary books you read, how many causes you support, without a community, you are nobody. People gonna ask where you from, who you represent and what you stand for and you say Black people and ain't no Black community, you look like a fool. Even criminals know this, why you think they make gangs?

A community is first and foremost exclusionary. In regards to what the sister said about Bill Cosby, um, I ain't fighting for rights for rape apologists. My idea of Black community, doesn't mean all Black people. Some people gotta go. Weird ass semantics, internet lawyers that wanna argue about whether or not Bill Cosby a rapist, can stay the fuck over there. The man said what he said.

Them reactionary hotep types can kiss my ass, I don't wanna be with them in any situation.
Thank, my man. "How can you have solidarity without community" was going start my post with that exact statement.

It's oxymoronic. Just another example of someone using word(s) they have little to no understanding of, which a vast majority of peole do.

It's tedious task for me to take those kind of people seriously. Stopped the clip after I heard it but then decided to hear her out.

If you repeatedly or frequenty use words that you don't have a firm grasp of, it shows you find your words to be insignifant (because you could always enquire or research with little effort) and words are by-product of your thoughts and your thoughts are a result of who you are. So in other words, you find yourself to be insignificant or someone not to be taking seriously.

A lot of black people, in particular, don't understand the meaning of words like community and culture, yet use it liberally. I just do a mental eye roll.

Still, I get her point... not everyone should an affiliate. She's just got do without the bombastic preface, if her application of word(s) is going to be erroneous.
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Jay said it best

“ how can you fairly assess something from the outside looking in? There’s gotta be times you’ll be wrong nah? How can a motherfucker go around a hate a nigga he never met”

And Pulling a gun on someone and telling them I’ll kill you if you turn around is the definition of forcing freedom. This lady is a coon and she should have been checked for even comparing her “fight” to Tubman fight.

We can agree to disagree
So you can't assess someone you've never met but you can call this woman a coon off a minute and a half clip...which you said earlier was a poor choice of words....so you can assess someone off a poor choice of words but you can't draw personal lines on actions/behaviors/mindsets that aren't in alignment with how you move.

Got it sir.
So you can't assess someone you've never met but you can call this woman a coon off a minute and a half clip...which you said earlier was a poor choice of words....so you can assess someone off a poor choice of words but you can't draw personal lines on actions/behaviors/mindsets that aren't in alignment with how you move.

Got it sir.

Not logical at all!
This entire conversation is based off of her assessing people she never met before. I’ve never heard someone say “part of loving black people is putting up boundaries”. You said people apply that to their friends and family. I said you were right but she wasn’t talking about friends and family. She applied that to an entire”community” she doesn’t want to be apart of. You then said you didn’t need personal relationships to make that decision. Huh?

So now me calling her a coon is a issue because I don’t know her. But her going out of her way to to let it be known she don’t fuck with certain black people is perfectly fine. She goes on to say “ I wish I could throw a bunch of black people in the garbage after this weekends news cycle ” lol

She never said who she don’t fuck with tho. Is it cooning if she say she don’t fuck with coons.
She goes on to say “ I wish I could throw a bunch of black people in the garbage after this weekends news cycle ” lol
And then finished with "but I won't".....

You making a simple concept complicated. If you personally know where you stand on something....and see ppl acting or speaking in a way that goes against that...you dont have to know them to know you don't agree or that yall might not get along. I love food but I aint eating at every restaurant or eating everybody cooking. It's places I no longer shop at cuz I dont like their politics/messaging or would just rather spend my money elsewhere that's doing better shit be it Black, white, whatever owned. That's not saying those business shouldn't exist.