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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

Dude on CNN just mentioned that officers should carry liability so that taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for when they fuck up and someone is hurt and/or killed.

Been saying that shit for years. Let the police unions pay for when one of their union members fucks up and they will hold themselves accountable a hell of alot more than they do currently

Ill fuck around and add some more historical context.

The Boston Tea Party started over tax on tea that would amount to like half a penny in todays standards. The tax that England added to tea was almost nothing. They act like tax was this huge amount. It was almost nothing.

But it wasnt about the tax on tea. It was about all the other times England raised taxes on the colonies while refusing to give them represtation. The colonists felt that enough was enough.

So the tax on tea wasnt the reason for the revolt, it was the straw that finally broke the camels back.

Tell me how that doesnt mirror whats happening right now.

These riots arent about George Floyds murder, its the fact that there were a ton of murders before George Floyd, and his murder was the one that caused it all to boil over.
Dude on CNN just mentioned that officers should carry liability so that taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for when they fuck up and someone is hurt and/or killed.

Been saying that shit for years. Let the police unions pay for when one of their union members fucks up and they will hold themselves accountable a hell of alot more than they do currently
There is a way to attack the pension or something I think. I texted my lawyer...I'll let you guys know what I find.

I could have sworn I heard this before
Dude on CNN just mentioned that officers should carry liability so that taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for when they fuck up and someone is hurt and/or killed.

Been saying that shit for years. Let the police unions pay for when one of their union members fucks up and they will hold themselves accountable a hell of alot more than they do currently
I've heard this notion before and I'm OK with it, it makes sense but we have to keep in mind that these are white supremacist race soldiers who would in turn just stop doing their jobs altogether out of fear of being sued instead of doing their jobs correctly