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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

We got a lot of dudes in the community that brag about being killers. How is it that none of these killer cops get touched? I mean we've seen a few dudes kill random cops, but as far as I know all these cops that have actually murdered black people are still living happy, healthy, and free. I can't tell no one to be come a killer, but come on, niggas can shoot up houses and kill innocent black kids, but can't go after murderers like this dude?
I always ask this an get met with why don't you do it or some other dumb ass reason to absolve those who destroy lives everyday.

I'm legit day here looking at this and in another window had up about the new rapper killed in Brooklyn.
Wondering to myself.....Like do we as black men stand a chance.

Seems like everyone is against us sometimes. No matter the status, class, income or location.

I cant watch the video. Reading about already fucked me all up.

I read the cop had his knee on his neck for minutes. For minutes? Thats murder in the first degree. Not like he put his knee on his neck for a few seconds while another cop cuffed him, and that there alone would have been wrong as fuck. But here we talking about minutes? I cant wait to hear how his lawyers will even try to justify this mfer just putting his knee on a cuffed mans neck for minutes, while the man was begging him to get off.

Anything less than murder in the 1st degree would be a slap in the face. I better not hear a 3rd degree or a manslaughter charge.

This shit here is a open and close case.

Shits fucking disgusting.

So far, little is known about Chauvin’s time with the department. But department records and news accounts show that he has been involved in at least three police-involved shootings over his career with the MPD: Wayne Reyes in 2006, and Leroy Martinez and Ira Latrell Toles, both in 2011.

Dont do this shit here.

Lets not cheapen this like only Trump supporting cops murder.

Or lets not cheapen by saying ofcourse hes racist, hes a trump supporter.

Dont link this to Trump like cops wasnt murdering black folks before Trump.

Trump might be out of office in November, but this issue aint going nowhere.

Lets not politicize this shit just to have more ammo against Trump.

This deserves to be its own issue and both sides of the aisle need to address it and be held accountable.
Dont do this shit here.

Lets not cheapen this like only Trump supporting cops murder.

Or lets not cheapen by saying ofcourse hes racist, hes a trump supporter.

Dont link this to Trump like cops wasnt murdering black folks before Trump.

Trump might be out of office in November, but this issue aint going nowhere.

Lets not politicize this shit just to have more ammo against Trump.

This deserves to be its own issue and both sides of the aisle need to address it and be held accountable.
If its legit it needs to be put on blast.

Not enough. Especially seeing how cops can get fired for some shit in one place and go a town/city or two over and get hired there.

Fuck that.. lock these muhfuckas up for life and take every thing of value that they have and give it to the deceased mans family.

That still aint nearly enough but it's a fuckin start