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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

Never in my entire life have I heard about black men “hanging themselves”....even as a form of suicide....NEVER....shooting yaself?! Seen it...but hanging yaself?! Nah....just because of what it symbolizes...nah...not buyin’ it

Yeah, I’ve known a few niggas that have shot themselves over females. Even a couple murder/suicides. But hanging yourself in public places? Nah, B.
So basically they arnt banned. This is like when cops would yell "stop resisting" so they could beat you up & they'll be cleared. Or currently how they justify every shooting.

I don't know. He's clearly trying to hedge his bets, but they'd be hard pressed to prove that any lives were in danger in the cases of Floyd, Garner, or the other guys that have popped up lately. Seems to me that even with that leeway in place, those cops would have been in violation.
Only issue I have is ole talkin about living on the 1st floor. What's wrong wit the 1st floor? As if living in the 1st floor is a bad thing. Seems to me she couldn't think of a better way to insult the muthafucca.

So you right by the entrance to your building?
Blm the organization was compromised by the democratic party almost from jump

Let's be real. BLM never really was an organization. It was a slogan that turned into a movement. When I first heard people say they were donating to BLM, I raised an eyebrow because I wasn't aware that the movement ever organized well enough to be trusted with donations. It's one thing to know local community activists that held BLM rallies and donate to them, but to just donate to BLM...I don't know.