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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

GENEVA (AP) — African nations have prepared a draft resolution at the U.N.’s top human rights body that singles out the United States and would launch intense international scrutiny of systemic racism against people of African descent in the wake of recent high-profile killings of blacks by American police.

The draft text, a copy of which has been obtained by The Associated Press, could become the centerpiece for an urgent debate hastily scheduled for Wednesday for the Geneva-based Human Rights Council.

It calls for a Commission of Inquiry — the rights body’s most powerful tool to inspect human rights violations — to look into “systemic racism” and alleged violations of international human rights law and abuses against “Africans and of people of African descent in the United States of America and other parts of the world recently affected by law enforcement agencies" especially encounters that resulted in deaths.

Such work would be carried out “with a view to bringing perpetrators to justice,” said the text, circulated by the Africa Group in the council. The breadth of support for the measure was not immediately clear.

The U.S. mission in Geneva declined immediate comment on the draft resolution.

President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the 47-member body two years ago, accusing it of an anti-Israel bias and of accepting members from some autocratic governments that are serial rights violators.

On Monday, the council agreed unanimously to hold the urgent debate on “racially inspired human rights violations, systemic racism, police brutality and the violence against peaceful protests” in the wake of the George Floyd killing in the United States.

GENEVA (AP) — African nations have prepared a draft resolution at the U.N.’s top human rights body that singles out the United States and would launch intense international scrutiny of systemic racism against people of African descent in the wake of recent high-profile killings of blacks by American police.

The draft text, a copy of which has been obtained by The Associated Press, could become the centerpiece for an urgent debate hastily scheduled for Wednesday for the Geneva-based Human Rights Council.

It calls for a Commission of Inquiry — the rights body’s most powerful tool to inspect human rights violations — to look into “systemic racism” and alleged violations of international human rights law and abuses against “Africans and of people of African descent in the United States of America and other parts of the world recently affected by law enforcement agencies" especially encounters that resulted in deaths.

Such work would be carried out “with a view to bringing perpetrators to justice,” said the text, circulated by the Africa Group in the council. The breadth of support for the measure was not immediately clear.

The U.S. mission in Geneva declined immediate comment on the draft resolution.

President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the 47-member body two years ago, accusing it of an anti-Israel bias and of accepting members from some autocratic governments that are serial rights violators.

On Monday, the council agreed unanimously to hold the urgent debate on “racially inspired human rights violations, systemic racism, police brutality and the violence against peaceful protests” in the wake of the George Floyd killing in the United States.

To be honest, it’s about damn time. We are Africa’s children and we’ve been left out in the cold. America never cared for us, Africa never cared for us. In my opinion fuck ‘em both. Out of overwhelming adversity we’ve established our own culture, our own identity. We’re the strongest of any people on earth. We need a name for our identity. Not black American, not African-American. I don’t know what that is, but it’s needed.

Descendants of black slaves everywhere been wronged by the whole damn world. Shit’s infuriating when you think about it.

At least Jews got Israel.
To be honest, it’s about damn time. We are Africa’s children and we’ve been left out in the cold. America never cared for us, Africa never cared for us. In my opinion fuck ‘em both. Out of overwhelming adversity we’ve established our own culture, our own identity. We’re the strongest of any people on earth. We need a name for our identity. Not black American, not African-American. I don’t know what that is, but it’s needed.

Descendants of black slaves everywhere been wronged by the whole damn world. Shit’s infuriating when you think about it.

At least Jews got Israel.
i love the idea.
i just dont think its a place for us to go unless we by land in Antarctica and wait for it to thaw.
i hear all people say go back to africa but its not that easy and its a cultural change and we are seen as bring wealth...which is what we are trying to get away from..people just using us and not really wanting us around.
i love the idea.
i just dont think its a place for us to go unless we by land in Antarctica and wait for it to thaw.
i hear all people say go back to africa but its not that easy and its a cultural change and we are seen as bring wealth...which is what we are trying to get away from..people just using us and not really wanting us around.
I’m not even saying go anywhere and isolate ourselves. Just create an identity separate from America and Africa. Stop acting like Africa ever cared about us. Stop trying to get a seat at America’s table. I’d love to see a black conglomerate take over sports. Create a league like the XFL for football and basketball where all owners are black and all players share in the wealth of the team. It would take all black athletes signing to these teams of course, but if given the option I think they would.

And all of these top notch recruits go to HBCU’s and funnel all that money to black schools. I’m a UNC fan but I’d root against them all day against an HBCU.

It’s much bigger than I can even start to fathom, but it would be nice to see us break away from America and Africa and unify under a different umbrella.
I’m not even saying go anywhere and isolate ourselves. Just create an identity separate from America and Africa. Stop acting like Africa ever cared about us. Stop trying to get a seat at America’s table. I’d love to see a black conglomerate take over sports. Create a league like the XFL for football and basketball where all owners are black and all players share in the wealth of the team. It would take all black athletes signing to these teams of course, but if given the option I think they would.

And all of these top notch recruits go to HBCU’s and funnel all that money to black schools. I’m a UNC fan but I’d root against them all day against an HBCU.

It’s much bigger than I can even start to fathom, but it would be nice to see us break away from America and Africa and unify under a different umbrella.
same thing i want.

we just need more people to believe in it and not get comfortable after work opens back up.
I’m not even saying go anywhere and isolate ourselves. Just create an identity separate from America and Africa. Stop acting like Africa ever cared about us. Stop trying to get a seat at America’s table. I’d love to see a black conglomerate take over sports. Create a league like the XFL for football and basketball where all owners are black and all players share in the wealth of the team. It would take all black athletes signing to these teams of course, but if given the option I think they would.

And all of these top notch recruits go to HBCU’s and funnel all that money to black schools. I’m a UNC fan but I’d root against them all day against an HBCU.

It’s much bigger than I can even start to fathom, but it would be nice to see us break away from America and Africa and unify under a different umbrella.

We've already cre.ted our own identity. That's not really a question.

Also, an all black league would not work, at least not the way you propose it. If you're actively restricted it to nothing but black owners and black players, you will open the league up to discrimination lawsuits. Even if that didn't happen, the league will be seen as racist and you will likely alienate a large portion of the fanbase for the sport meaning the money to pay the athletes will be much less. Top tier black talent is not going to choose to play for 50K a year for your black league when they can go get 5M a year in the NBA.

It's not necessary to implement discriminatory practices to benefit the black community. Black ownership is important and circulating the money made from the black businesses is what is important.
We've already cre.ted our own identity. That's not really a question.

Also, an all black league would not work, at least not the way you propose it. If you're actively restricted it to nothing but black owners and black players, you will open the league up to discrimination lawsuits. Even if that didn't happen, the league will be seen as racist and you will likely alienate a large portion of the fanbase for the sport meaning the money to pay the athletes will be much less. Top tier black talent is not going to choose to play for 50K a year for your black league when they can go get 5M a year in the NBA.

It's not necessary to implement discriminatory practices to benefit the black community. Black ownership is important and circulating the money made from the black businesses is what is important.
we need both
we need both

We don't need exclusively black companies. That's not necessary. By that I mean, we don't have to actively discriminate against others. If a business is all black because that's how it works out, that's cool. But if you have a business and you're going out of your way to keep others out, you're only going to cause problems for your business. That doesn't help anyone. What we need is businesses that employ blacks at a high rate and help black communities.
We've already cre.ted our own identity. That's not really a question.

Also, an all black league would not work, at least not the way you propose it. If you're actively restricted it to nothing but black owners and black players, you will open the league up to discrimination lawsuits. Even if that didn't happen, the league will be seen as racist and you will likely alienate a large portion of the fanbase for the sport meaning the money to pay the athletes will be much less. Top tier black talent is not going to choose to play for 50K a year for your black league when they can go get 5M a year in the NBA.

It's not necessary to implement discriminatory practices to benefit the black community. Black ownership is important and circulating the money made from the black businesses is what is important.
I see exactly what you’re saying. I wouldn’t advocate for exclusion of any race. But we are obviously excluded from ownership in the NFL and NBA. Start black with black leadership then allow other races to join in is all I’m saying.

And as far as pay, you’re right too, but who’s to say if it’s done well they can’t get paid? There will still be ticket sales, merchandising sales, ad sales, etc. Look at the Big 3 and how far it’s come with “washed up” ball players.

And as far as alienating people, you’d only really alienate race insensitive folks if the league isn’t outright exclusionary. The tides are changing in those country, albeit too slowly.
Not sure quite how it would work but I’ve thought for a while that regular beat cops shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns.

Only a specially trained unit of the police should be armed. The regular ones prove time and time again that they aren’t responsible enough with their judgement to have a weapon capable of killing someone.

They’d argue it’d be a safety concern but I think that’s bullshit cuz even the hardest criminals know not to kill cops that’s either a death wish or life in prison.

Probably will never happen but it should.

They do this in either Italy or Spain, if I recall. They have 2 types of Officers: Blue and Black Cops. The Blue-uniformed Cops give citations, the Black-uniformed Cops are armed.
I see exactly what you’re saying. I wouldn’t advocate for exclusion of any race. But we are obviously excluded from ownership in the NFL and NBA. Start black with black leadership then allow other races to join in is all I’m saying.

And as far as pay, you’re right too, but who’s to say if it’s done well they can’t get paid? There will still be ticket sales, merchandising sales, ad sales, etc. Look at the Big 3 and how far it’s come with “washed up” ball players.

And as far as alienating people, you’d only really alienate race insensitive folks if the league isn’t outright exclusionary. The tides are changing in those country, albeit too slowly.

I get it, and I support what you're saying. I'm just saying that you have to be careful how you market it. If you come out with the league and say its for blacks by blacks, you're going to shoot yourselves in the foot when it comes to how much money you can make. Blacks aren't even close to the biggest spenders when it comes to sports, so if you limit your league to a black fanbase, you're going to be on And 1 mixtape status. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the money will be limited.