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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

Lol Charleston is a city that still to this today makes their money off the backs of slaves. Through tourism and stolen land of the geechees. Lol they have plantation tours

LMAO bruh I swear sometimes I say this can't be life but yep it is
These seat at the table niggaz is why, and its why I hate that shit so much
what I find funny is the ones that are so proud of the US powerful military.... tend to be the same ones screaming about 2nd amendment rights in case they ever have to fight the government
And we been telling em for how long that their lil pistols and ARs ain't got shit against these niggas that will drop bombs on you from 100 miles away but what do we know?

Yall made your own playing field uneven.