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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

Its still attempted murder, but the autopsy will show its 3rd degree instead of 2nd.

The prosecutor wrote the shit in a way to protect the cop as much as possible. Didnt put in the fact that George Floyd was in the video saying "please dont kill me", and "im dying", which would make a case for 2nd degree murder. Also didnt put in that one of the officers took his pulse, said he couldnt find one, and the mfer still didnt get off his neck for another minute or two.

Lawyers are expecting the degree of murder to go to 2nd degree, and if it doesnt, they said it proves the prosecutor is showing gross favoritism to the cop.

I read a really good article on this on CNN the other day.

The autopsy also isnt a full autopsy. They are just saying there isnt external evidence that he died from the knee to his neck. The full autopsy will go much deeper than just external proof.

Regardless of what his intentions are, the prosecutor is actually doing the right thing.

What that cop did fits the legal definition of 3rd degree murder and manslaughter.

Charge him with something else that doesn't fit the legal description of what he did, and the cop won't get convicted.

That's how Zimmerman got off.

DA charged him with 1st degree murder instead of involuntary manslaughter......and, because 1st degree murder didn't fit what actually happened..........Zimmerman was found not guilty because he was charged with the wrong crime.
They speaking to the Minneapolis Chief on CNN right now.

Floyd's brother just asked the Chief if they plan on charging the other 4 officers.

Sara just Deebo'd the Telamundo reporter just to ask the cheif the question. Lol
Regardless of what his intentions are, the prosecutor is actually doing the right thing.

What that cop did fits the legal definition of 3rd degree murder and manslaughter.

Charge him with something else that doesn't fit the legal description of what he did, and the cop won't get convicted.

That's how Zimmerman got off.

DA charged him with 1st degree murder instead of involuntary manslaughter......and, because 1st degree murder didn't fit what actually happened..........Zimmerman was found not guilty because he was charged with the wrong crime.

Dont let the Zimmerman thing fool you.

This case is a bit different. With Zimmerman, there was a scuffle. He could say that it turned into self defense for him. And he was scared. And there was no video.

In this case, the murder is appearent. But there id a ton of proof that it should he 2nd degree.

First George Floyd was subdued and handcuffed, so its not like excessive force was used during the handcuffing and that excessive force led to him dying. In this case, a subdued man had a knee to his neck for 8 minutes. Then, George Floyd began screaming that he was dying. At this point the cop should have let him go, considering he was subdued. But he decided not too. Then there was the "I cant breathe" and "mama" shouts. The cop at this point should have realized the situation was dire, but he didnt let go. Still kept applying pressure.

Then they checked his pulse and said he wasnt breathing. AND HE STILL DIDNT LET HIS KNEE OFF.

All this is proof for 2nd degree instead of 3rd.

This article explains it way better than i could. Its a good read.

The shops by the train station green line on 47th are burning....police having a stand off w peaceful protesters in Hyde Park in front of Akira