Welcome To aBlackWeb

So wassup?

I meant to respond to the "e.a.d" thread but this all I'ma say because tbh, every time I think I have most of y'all figured out, y'all throw me a curve ball.

If y'all wanna tell each other eat a dick until the cows come home, I don't give a fuck. Eat at a dick buffet for all I care. Order 2 for 1 dicks at happy hour. Get a dick sample from the sample lady at your local grocery store.

I'm letting everyone know now, you tell that shit to me, regardless of who you are, I'ma ban your account and the raggedy and dusty ass IP address(es) you rode to get to this bitch.

Don't come to me for shit about anyone being disrespectful to you.

I'm about to block my PM's like Goldie was doing. If you don't have a direct line to me, don't ask me for shit
Compelling arguments

Give us the day to review and we'll get back to you

As of now, @SneakDZA account has been released on bond

I closed the tab I keep open to this nigga account to ban him on site and this the thanks I get CTB?

I'm about to bookmark yo shit now
I closed the tab I keep open to this nigga account to ban him on site and this the thanks I get CTB?

I'm about to bookmark yo shit now
Nah I gave you the appropriate reaction for what you posted. You're the admin, how are you going to stop helping site members because Race told you to E.A.D.
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It started when she disrespected my mom. I was like ok cool this chick is on some wild spazout shit and just talks to people however. That's when I should have ignored her ass because there was already a long ass thread about how shit you won't say to somebody's face and disrepespecting family members should be off limits. In real life you talk about my mom like that and I'm liable to step on your head until it i hear it pop. But this is the internet and I have to remind myself that she's clearly mentally handicapped. So I brushed tht shit off.

Then I guess i committed the cardinal sin of leaving a negative reaction

Time passes but I happen to peep game...

Ok apparently dicks are on the menu. If you dish it out you can take it, right?

Even the site admin can get it...

Wait... maybe that was a lil slip up and she ain't really mean it...

@Oversight Committee seemed to be a little on edge but didn't want that Karen smoke....

The offended party speaks up (kinda). @AP21 put some bass in your voice next time...

*** INTERMISSION - Mrs Karen "I don't want anybody to get banned" speaks ***

Now here's where I come back in this sad and strange story. I'm just minding my own business, quarantine drinking, reading threads clicking, lols, wacks and whatever... but I guess I once again made the fatal mistake of clicking the "WACK AS FUCK" button on one of birdbrain's shitposts and thought nothing of it until i was summoned.

"sim sim salabim"... here I am reading some unfounded hatred towards me and I had nothing to do with shit but I had time that night...

what she say about your mom?
Nah I gave you the appropriate reaction for what you posted. You're the admin, how are you going to stop helping site members because Race told you to E.A.D.
Like I said, y'all just be letting that shit fly out your mouths. Continue to do so.

Say it to me, you getting clapped.??‍♂️
I think the sneak dza and race thing was bound to happen tho based on the politics thread. Them niggas hate her saying anything bad about Democrats and all that. Go
In the thread that shit beef filled
Either by reading or living in the south
I've heard of most racial slurs b4, including mooncricket
None of them shits is new idk how y'all just now hearing of it

It could just be me tho. Was watching lovecraft with someone and they never heard the term "gook" b4. I rattled off like 4 more asian slurs like it wasn't nothing in order to educate them

I was looked at judgingly ?
you call me a dingbat and im deflee going to respond with “your mom” or something of the sort.

either way i never asked for your account to be taken

plus at your big grown age youre on here whinning about an online account so i know you wouldnt “step on my head until it popped”

youre a clown on and off the site.
irrelevant at that because niggas didnt even know you had left @SneakDZA @Wild_Sleestak
also your anger shouldnt be directed at me. i talk shit and understand the consquences. i never ask for ppl to be banned. any mod can vouch for that but i know you weak ass niggas rather punch down on a woman than address your male peers that be gunning for you as well

dick up dummy and fuck out my face