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So Fresh, So Clean...The Official Men's Fashion and Grooming Thread

man Du if you dont sitcho ass down somewhere lol
when he's trying to present himself as un threatening, harmless, and good-natured as possible

the bow tie is often frequently featured on men who are supposed to look as safe or as un aggressive as possible....

the mr rogers...or the ice cream/milk man....muslim brothers who aim to look as sophisticated as possible..and not like thugs...

old school gentlemen who want to separate themselves from scoundrels and rogues or whatever...

the bow tie is purposely presented to trigger the exact opposite response of an testosterone filled male......

that shit dials back the masculinity.....makes niggaz look softer......

you can dress nice without a bowtie....that bowtie just fucks with me cuz it's like the wolf coming out the barber shop..buying some nice clothes....cleaning up his image....and then look in the mirror and say...."yea i look pretty clean cut.. but let me throw on this sheep's wool just to be safe"

i dunno, lol.... no offense, just one of my pet peeves....wife always tryna get me to wear one...i feel like she tryna make me look like a soft ass nigga or something...it ain't like i come off as a thug to begin with....i'm just normal.....fuck i needa bowtie for? that shit just too extra for me.....

and i said i wouldn't rant
man you tripping lol

the same could easily be said about a dude who dresses up for interviews instead of just wearing his street clothes

ofc you can dress nice w/o a bowtie. its not a requirement, but it's just another piece to accentuate the look you are going for at that time
the look you are going for at that time

this is how see niggaz in bow ties
either u this......


or this....
Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali are perfect examples....

two of the most controversial black men at a time when racism was at it's highest.....

they had to present themselves as cultured and as civilized, and as disarming as possible at all times so that they won't be discredited as common thugs....

they almost always had to wear suits......be groomed to the highest extent.....

their appearance was held to the highest of standards....they had to look as opposite of the stereotypical black male as possible....
and what helps that image????


it's the extra frosting on the cinnamon rolls... the double helping of syrup on the pancakes...the too much sugar in the kool-aid

shit just too extra....
no its not LOL

this is a strange hill you are choosing to die on

but lets take it the male fashion thread
Du hates bowties

he feels it effeminates men...im not sure why
Interesting Fact: Why does the nation of Islam wear bowties?

The Bowtie has always been associated with fine clothing. When ones attire is immaculate he puts a bowtie on in contrast to a regular tie. That being said, The Nation of Islam has always expressed that same decorum. Also, the bowtie to the members takes on a symbolic nature. The bowtie represents a transformation being because of its resemblance to a butterfly and knowledge due to its resemblance of an open book. It must be noted that it is mandatory dress attire for said members, who must have the appearance of such a clean look.

Now as a Rasta I do not agree with the definition of a clean look but Du I think you are reaching a little bit. The majority of the styles we wear we have taken from European culture which is not a good thing. But the bowtie was feared by White people so I don't think you can say the Nation used it to fit in. They probably felt like the better you look the better you feel and to them that was the look. Shaving and cutting your hair are all things that were not common to us or them for that manner until relatively recently.
and it's all filter to make us look less savage, ethnic, aggressive, strong, powerful, intimidating.....

appearances....it's flair for the sole reason of flair
When ones attire is immaculate he puts a bowtie on in contrast to a regular tie
like......it's an extra exclamation point.....

trying to hard to drive something home....

it's screaming i'm soooooooooooo well dressed i even rock a bowtie....

i dunno...... pretty shit to me....
I'm on like 3 hrs of sleep today, I aint got the energy to argue with du on this goofyness.

I'ma let you slide this time b