It wasn't just greed,it was a matter of safety and franklin was the man with the plan who ultimately kept them safe and free.If We’re making a case for Louie technically, it is Franklin fault because they wanted to branch off and leave and do their own thing, but Franklin was too greedy, and he wanted them to stay and work under him and that’s how the Beef got started he should’ve just let them leave they could’ve move somewhere else. They was already expanding in Arkansas.
If they get caught,it leads back to him
And unlike Franklin and Teddy,Franklin really put them on.
Franklin was popping before Teddy,but they weren't in the crack game pre Franklin.
Louie didn't know that Teddy was the CIA and basically forcing Franklin to sale his drugs under the threat of violence even though they worked well for yrs.
Franklin didn't want out just to be chilling.He knew that dealing with Teddy would end bad because of the power dynamic and he would be the fall guy,
He was trying to save his ppl and Louie's greed and power hunger put them right back in the frying pan with Teddy.