SneakDZA presents......If you could delete one

Jan 19, 2017
If you could delete 1 religion from human history which would it be and why?

1) Christianity
2) Islam
3) Judaism (5 grand can't vote)
4) Buddhism
5) Mormonism
6) Scientology
7) Hinduism
8) Catholicism (yeah i think it's different enough from Christianity)
9) Other

Keep in mind I said "delete" not exterminate or any wild shit like that. Which one of those would the world just be a better place for you if it never existed and why?

So , Judaism is considered for the most part the beginning of the monotheistic religions.So imo if you take out Judaism. Then Christianity and Islam go too. Catholicism and Mormonism would be out as well. Leaving Hinduism and Buddhism. Scientology to me is not a religion lol.

This indoctrination or global power of systematic religion that is seen today are rooted foundationally in that religion. The idea that a city,state or governing body can and wants to weaponize the human consciousness and a desire to connect/know with God, Source (whatever name you want to give) is the root of so much "evil" in this capitalistic world today.

Now yes indigenous cultures and or religions with many gods have elements of using the system of religion for "evil or wrong doing". All religions have individuals that use the religion as an excuse for their actions and or behaviors.
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delete the right one & it could have a domino effect & take out the rest of em

Morminism. I was gon say scientology but thats a cult and cults are gonna exist regardless. But Mormons gotta go.

Orthodox everything can go really.
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Any religion that’s ok with hurting people just to spread it
I have no issues with religion, just the people who manipulate it to control, oppress and do harm to others. They use it as a protective shield to their true nature.

At most of their cores religion is very much like philosophy. You can study and follow with out being a zealot or imposing your views on others. Like I get the desire to spread the good word. But read the room and act accordingly.

It's a lotta fucked up people out here, that use religion to empower their selfish desires. And that's more of a problem than the religion itself. But it's an easier target because anything that's been around for thousands of years is going to be subject to challenge, ridicule and misinterpretation