If you are getting paid you are considered a professional. Just as with anything there are levels to what your professionalism can provide for you.
I actually like the WNBA and never said they weren't professional.
It's just that you want to GIVE them some shit they don't deserve cause they not bringing what they asking for. Without the NBA subsidy the WNBA closes up shop.
I get the hustle they running with right now. It's actually smart as shit considering the times we're in. If it works out for them great wouldn't bother me one bit. If they don't get it so be it wouldn't bother me one bit either.
i tried not to google, but i had to
after reading this article
my position is still the same, however, i just want to add, the WNBA players association needs to come up with better ways to generate revenue, as the article suggests. I honestly didnt realize there were only 12 teams, but that seems about right as women's basketball just isnt as popular as the other male dominated sports.
However, according to the article, the current agreement in place is 4 years old and they'll be eligible to opt out is 2019, which im more than sure they'll do, and its weird the current agreement doesnt include any language about a revenue split.
But i just really dislike this phrasing they dont deserve anything. Sounds mad archaic.