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OPINION Should Porn Be Banned?

It shouldn't have been allowed to become the industry it's become but its too late to stop now. There's people that would literally lose their minds.
Canada really makes you hate everything cool huh

Them cacs got you niggas on electric shock leashes
Porn will never ever be banned LMAO

(when you think every single human being on the planet who ever existed is a product of (physical) sexual intercourse (M&F) which is naturally pleasurable...)

... you know those powerful people who have political power to 'ban' things... Do engage in debauchery themselves (Bill Clinton) and in some cases orgies and the likes especially totalist states and monarchies

Onlyfans tried to block explicit shit on their website a couple years ago and it backfired ...


I think people consume pornography for different reasons or purposes and not entirely for sexual gratification ... It could be viewed as an art form in a way

The access of content to people underaged is the very major problem that needs to be addressed wholly...

Also... I thought the thread starter was a porn head?