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OPINION Should Porn Be Banned?

I don't have kids but even back when I was a kid they had software to block adult sites. Schools had it too. There's parental controls on everything you can set up now
If you're a parent and are paying for your kids bill, you need to put parental controls on it🤷🏾‍♂️
I don't have kids but even back when I was a kid they had software to block adult sites. Schools had it too. There's parental controls on everything you can set up now

problem with that in alot of cases is the kids usually know more about the tech than the parents lol
How are they going to ban it ?
People will still find a way to make it & sell it .
Drugs & alcohol are bad for you & people still use them
lmao knock it the fuck off bruh. Dont act like many of US aint know more than our parents did about tech when WE were younger and they wasnt no damn 50+ seniors
We talking about today inori!!! 😳😳😳
I’m on the fence.

It’s way too much porn. Folks kinks getting worse worse though. Spilling over
I think the access to the porn is the main culprit but people need to also learn about consent

If ya chick wants you to choke her out, she'll let you know

Don't just go putting ya hand on her throat all Willy Nilly

@Chi-Town B just clutched his pearls
I could see it going back to accessibility levels we had back in the 70's and 80's, where it was far harder to get, especially movies/video clips. That would curb it's effect on people significantly.

But ease of access is out of the bottle and it ain't going back, so something else has to be done.