Should kids be free to express themselves through style?

The kid don't have no liberty if I'm the one buying his clothes. When he start buying his own stuff then he can look like a jackass but until then what I say goes
they're a human being tho. not property of parents. u cld use that argument for anything while they're below the age of legally working.

all thats gonna lead to is a kid who felt restricted in their childhood n grew up to have 400 piercings n tats or summin. restriction doesn't breed distaste but fascination.

@BNE watch who you wack little nigga
im tall af b.
FOH with that self expression cracka ass cracka fuck shit. Unless the little nigga is paying a bill or buying his own clothes his opinion doesn't matter.

Oh little Bobby wanna dress up like a fish today so I'm going to let him ass nigga

smh so self expression is white people shit now?

lmaoooo lawd cain.

You never cease to amaze me
smh so self expression is white people shit now?

lmaoooo lawd cain.

You never cease to amaze me
I hate it when black ppl say that. now shit like being an individual is a designated white privilege. or a privilege everybody has n black ppl opted out of? can't tell which but it's harmful regardless.
2k for whoever made this a thread
me. 2 steps ahead of you boo.
Imma treat my kids like religious people see God. And I'm God nigga. He will have free will within my bubble of will.
I think these dudes out here rocking skinny jeans look like jackasses, I refuse to have my son looking like that. He'll thank me for not letting him leave the house looking like a fuck nigga
FOH with that self expression cracka ass cracka fuck shit. Unless the little nigga is paying a bill or buying his own clothes his opinion doesn't matter.

Oh little Bobby wanna dress up like a fish today so I'm going to let him ass nigga

i be seeing the white kids at my daughter daycare be wearing pj's and cowboy boots lol
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smh so self expression is white people shit now?

lmaoooo lawd cain.

You never cease to amaze me
Self expression to dress or act like a jackass is a CAC behavior that the new blacks are taking on.

My son not going to go to school wearing purple lipstick or pink eyelashes because he felt like expressing himself that day. Especially if I'm the one paying for it. FOH with this Hotep infused CAC shit
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they're a human being tho. not property of parents. u cld use that argument for anything while they're below the age of legally working.

all thats gonna lead to is a kid who felt restricted in their childhood n grew up to have 400 piercings n tats or summin. restriction doesn't breed distaste but fascination.

im tall af b.

This is falser dena bitch...

but ima let you cook tho...
Would the ladies allow their daughters to go to out in a revealing outfit since she's only expressing herself
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You think the million man march going down in skinny jeans bruh?

The million man march is just a patriarchal march.

a march filled with Black men who only wish to inherit white dominance and power.
many do not care about liberation, they just want a seat at the white mans table.

smh still listening to Farrakhan whose conk is just as outdated as his views.

In the famous words of my dearest friend:
i be seeing the white kids at my daughter daycare be wearing pj's and cowboy boots lol

But honestly whats wrong with that?

Is it that serious?
I say no.

If my son want to rock some cowboy boots and a batman cape idc
Would the ladies allow their daughters to go to school in a revealing outfit since she's only expressing herself
School dress-codes take into account revealing outfits, so this isn't a possibility unless u dont care if the kid gets sent home for the outfit. That's like asking if I'd let my son go to school in a t-shirt with profanity on it, how is that scenario useful if it wouldn't even be allowed?
i be seeing the white kids at my daughter daycare be wearing pj's and cowboy boots lol
When my son was you daughter's age he went to some expensive ass Montessori School day care. Them little white kids would come in there with two different shoes on hair fucked up and nose running and shit. I would ask the teacher there wtf is this shit

She would say the kids here are free to express themselves how they see fit. I pulled him out of that place FOH with free expression shit he's 2 all he know is cartoons and crayons