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Breaking News Shooting in Dayton Ohio, hours after El Paso, leaves up to 9 dead & 16 injured

Jeez, why do we keep having this same debate? Of course it's about white supremacists and extremists.

AND it's about the ease of access to their chosen weaponry! If you take the guns out of the equation, less loss of life.

And before you say it, yes they could use bomb, knife, car, etc. But right now they are using assault rifles. So let's take that off the table and deal with whatever they transition to, if anything, afterward.

Let's deal with the reality of what's happening and stop speculating what might happen.
Wow. Bruh. I can't fathom a black person running with this gun control narrative. Very disappointing you don't see that as the deflection it is. You said it yourself, they can use any weapon to kill. So Its not about the tools used by terrorists. Its about the terrorists themselves. Its about putting punishment mechanisms in place to deter terrorism. If all of these mass shootings were committed by muslims we wouldn't be hearing about the gun control narrative and you wouldn't be parroting it.

The reason they have you arguing gun control and not white supremacy is because dealing with the actual crux of the problem would then implicate law enforcement and members of government.

The gun control argument is a diversion
Wow. Bruh. I can't fathom a black person running with this gun control narrative. Very disappointing you don't see that as the deflection it is. You said it yourself, they can use any weapon to kill. So Its not about the tools used by terrorists. Its about the terrorists themselves. Its about putting punishment mechanisms in place to deter terrorism. If all of these mass shootings were committed by muslims we wouldn't be hearing about the gun control narrative and you wouldn't be parroting it.

The reason they have you arguing gun control and not white supremacy is because dealing with the actual crux of the problem would then implicate law enforcement and members of government.

The gun control argument is a diversion
Nobody's saying don't combat white nationalism. Fuck all of them and round they asses up.

AND ban assault rifles. They serve no purpose but to kill people and make the enthusiasts feel empowered. Which group do you fit into?

Now why is that so hard to understand? Can't we chew bubble gum and walk at the same time?
Wow. Bruh. I can't fathom a black person running with this gun control narrative. Very disappointing you don't see that as the deflection it is. You said it yourself, they can use any weapon to kill. So Its not about the tools used by terrorists. Its about the terrorists themselves. Its about putting punishment mechanisms in place to deter terrorism. If all of these mass shootings were committed by muslims we wouldn't be hearing about the gun control narrative and you wouldn't be parroting it.

The reason they have you arguing gun control and not white supremacy is because dealing with the actual crux of the problem would then implicate law enforcement and members of government.

The gun control argument is a diversion
Don’t fall for the back and forth with him we had this discussion in the El Paso mass shooting thread.
Exactly. Don't take a position you're not intellectually prepared to defend.

I went back to your other posts real quick and you said the same thing. Just focus on white extremism. Like we can't limit the weaponry they use and link them as a terror group and hunt them down at the same time.

Now explain why you don't think we should do both.
This is stupid. Most if not all of those instances are not perpetrated out of hate. And they're not done at random. Even handgun violence is typically perpetrated by someone who has some history with the victim.

It's the hate and/or randomness that causes the emotional response.

I like Tyson as a scientist, but he needs to shut up when it comes to social shit because almost always says something stupid.
Wow. Bruh. I can't fathom a black person running with this gun control narrative. Very disappointing you don't see that as the deflection it is. You said it yourself, they can use any weapon to kill. So Its not about the tools used by terrorists. Its about the terrorists themselves. Its about putting punishment mechanisms in place to deter terrorism. If all of these mass shootings were committed by muslims we wouldn't be hearing about the gun control narrative and you wouldn't be parroting it.

The reason they have you arguing gun control and not white supremacy is because dealing with the actual crux of the problem would then implicate law enforcement and members of government.

The gun control argument is a diversion

Except we seen that play out in real life. When the Panthers were walking around with fire arms, California responded by revoking open carry in the state.

If non-whites were the ones who owned this weapons they would have been taken them away. History bares that out.

We need to restrict ownership of these weapons, people are buying them and within the same month they are killing people in mass shootings. There should be some mechanism in place that can flag that sort of motive and intent. That also cuts towards addressing white supremacy which you would come up in a background check.

You like semi autos? Cool, make them available at shooting ranges where people can rent them and fire off blanks at a paper target (after they have gone thru the proper safety requirements), problem solved. But people dont need them in their physical possession. Literally the only use people are getting out of them now are when they utilize them in these terrorist attacks, they have no utility in hunting or basic self defense situations.

Some mechanism to weed out the crazy motherfuckers, close legal loopholes that allow said crazy motherfuckers from legally obtaining a firearm, a federal gun buyback that removes the sheer overwhelming amount of guns that are in circulation. All while infiltrating white supremacist organizations and strongholds in government, law enforcement, and civilian life.

Move the country towards responsible gun ownership, with people trained in owning and operating their guns in a safe manner (storage, transport, operation).
Exactly. Don't take a position you're not intellectually prepared to defend.

I went back to your other posts real quick and you said the same thing. Just focus on white extremism. Like we can't limit the weaponry they use and link them as a terror group and hunt them down at the same time.

Now explain why you don't think we should do both.

The reason people in both shooting threads are saying to just focus on white terrorism is due to the fact that you're more likely to get bit by a shark and struck by lightning at the same time than this country actually passing a law restricting access to certain guns.

The shit ain't happening.
The reason people in both shooting threads are saying to just focus on white terrorism is due to the fact that you're more likely to get bit by a shark and struck by lightning at the same time than this country actually passing a law restricting access to certain guns.

The shit ain't happening.
And it's more likely this country is going after white nationalists in the manner y'all describe? We've had assault weapons bans at least so it's not that far fetched.
And it's more likely this country is going after white nationalists in the manner y'all describe? We've had assault weapons bans at least so it's not that far fetched.
And more importantly, not all of these mass murderers are white supremacists. What about the school shooters? Did they run in the white supremacy circles?

You know what they all do have in common though? Assault style weapons.
The bold isn't true. You just have to go through the proper steps and pay the fee. As long as it's an older fully, you're not a prohibited person and your state doesn't ban that weapon, you too can buy a fully automatic weapon. I just found this out like a year ago.

Thanks for the info. Learn something new everyday