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Breaking News Shooter in Custody, 22 Dead & 24 injured in El Paso Walmart Mass Shooting. Update: El Paso Shooter Confesses Told Police He Was Targeting ‘Mexicans

I don't know but any action that's not dealing with addressing why white people are behaving this way in the first place is futile imo. The way I see it is if automatics get banned we'll more than likely start seeing a rise in white people using explosives... again

This may be another topic but I've crossed paths with a lot of people in my life and one phrase I would hear sometimes is "I hate everyone equally" or something to that effect. I always heard it when the topic was dealing with race or discrimination of some sort and 100% of the time it was from a white person, male and female.

It always struck me as odd but it made me question more and more if hate is just their default emotion.

Why are white people (in America?) so infactuated with malice and mass murder? Is it biological? Is it mental? Is it spiritual? Is it even reversible? And what can we do about it?

Until we have a SERIOUS discussion FEARLESSLY addressing these things we're wasting our time.

The desire to murder and to commit mass murder at that comes first. They wanted to murder, then figured out a way to execute their plan. If automatics weren't available they would've used something else. It's not like anyone sees a gun and decides to go shoot people because they saw a gun. It was already on their minds. Why?

What makes people want to commit mass murder in the first place?
Very valid points, but not all white people are like that. To your point though, there is a higher ratio of white mass murderers to their general population than other races.

I believe some of these people do it because it's so easy to do so. If they had to make a bomb, or use a knife, they may be less likely to do so.

Maybe not, but let's at least try going down that road cause we know what they're using now.
Already seeing comments about conspiracies and crises actors.

I wonder what these idiots faces would look like if god forbid their parent/sibling/child/friend became a victim of one of these shootings n they read a bunch of ass hats online calling it fake from their mothers basement
I was saying why not make it harder by making them convert a pistol to an AR.

But to your point, you sound like an NRA talking point. If law abiding citizens don't have guns then criminals with illegal guns will go around killing everybody.

But we all know law abiding citizens with guns don't stop any of this. And more people with more guns aren't a deterrent. And these shooters are first time offenders who only get their power from the weapon. They would not get guns illegally cause they not in that circle.

Making it harder by making them convert weapons may deter the average person, but I do not believe it would deter extremists. The willingness to go the extra mile is part of what makes them extreme. Also, gun enthusiast culture is thrilled by the DIY customization of firearms. They'd love nothing more than to invent and share their alternative methods.

I don't associate myself with the NRA at all. If what I'm saying coincides with their points it's purely coincidental and not in their support. And the points that I do mention are for brainstorming purposes. I do not have a solid solution for gun reform specifically.

I agree to the extent that armed citizens aren't a reliable deterrent. But I disagree that first-time offenders can't illegally get guns because they're not in that circle. Illegal guns are like illegal drugs. Long as there's a demand, there's a way.

All that considered, lite gun reform, seems like stalling when dealing with these fanatics.
Well let's try gun control and deal with the dirty bombs IF that happens.

These people are cowards who get their power from guns. They will not use bombs, knives, etc. because there's too much risk there and a high kill streak is not likely.
You niggas are dense for real. How long ago was this? And how much easier is it to kill with these guns? THEY ARE MADE TO KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE! Dirty bombs, cars, knives, or whatever else you say people will use also have another function outside of killing people!

"They will not use bombs"
"How long ago was this?"

would you like a more recent example, such as this?

That doesn't mean shit (if that's even true) considering his Twitter was littered with Trump/MAGA/White supremacist propaganda
Lol but it does. It could mean he’s a socialist fuccboi that decided to do this to create an anti trump and anti wall narrative. Doesn’t his socialist and liberal posts predates his white supremacists posts. Kinda weird for someone to go from one extreme side of the spectrum to the complete other side
Damn that Walmart was in the top 10 busiest brick and mortar business in America and the busiest Walmart in America
Lol but it does. It could mean he’s a socialist fuccboi that decided to do this to create an anti trump and anti wall narrative. Doesn’t his socialist and liberal posts predates his white supremacists posts. Kinda weird for someone to go from one extreme side of the spectrum to the complete other side
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party were socialists......what's the point
"They will not use bombs"
"How long ago was this?"

would you like a more recent example, such as this?

And how many people did he kill? And how many people would he surely have killed if he walked into a place with an AK?

See, bombs come with a certain level of know how. It takes no experience to pull a trigger.

So try again.