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Breaking News Shooter in Custody, 22 Dead & 24 injured in El Paso Walmart Mass Shooting. Update: El Paso Shooter Confesses Told Police He Was Targeting ‘Mexicans

you ever wonder why people are pro gun in the first place?

I understand it. It’s part of the American way. Makes you feel protected. People don’t want to feel under protected.

Thing is guns are highly efficient killing tools. Va Tech shooter didn’t have any rifles but killed like 22 people. So now folks want guns in public so we can feel like cowboys
Just imagine what Amerikkka would look like today if a black, brown or Muslim person had committed one of these shootings let alone all three. just imagine what Trump and his racist goons would be saying on TV at this very moment. Now compare that to what they are NOT saying.
So why even try to make it harder, right?

Making the process of obtaining a firearm harder is....? Have to account for all the stockpiles of weapons out there now. Extremist have been preparing for that very thing. And if the drug war is any indication, as long as there is a demand, there is a way. Leaving the majority of law-abiding civilians unarmed with law enforcement and criminals armed. And it's known that white supremacist groups have infiltrated and have ties to law enforcement. Along with having ties to the gun industry, making it easier for them to get around troublesome policies. Their police ties giving them access to arms they can't obtain from retail.
All that seems to leave law-abiding citizens as sitting ducks in the end, with law-abiding black citizens even worst off.

Texas GOPers Punt On Gun Control After El Paso; Point To Mental Health, School Prayer

Texas Republicans have been steadfastly avoiding the topic of gun control in the wake of the El Paso shooting on Saturday that left 20 people dead, instead placing the blame on mental health, video games, and even lack of school prayer.

“I think we need to focus more open memorials before we start the politics,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) told reporters on Saturday when asked about his stance on gun legislation.

Abbott later said that the state needed to better address mental health issues as a solution to mass shootings, though so far authorities have not determined that the El Paso gunman suffered from any mental illness. They are, however, investigating whether or not the gunman published a hate-filled manifesto that raved against Latino immigrants.

Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick acknowledged the shooting as a potential hate crime during a Sunday interview on “Fox and Friends,” but he also blamed the “video game industry” and how “we won’t let our kids even pray in our schools.”

“We have to look at ourselves as a nation, that’s many factors that go into these shootings, many factors,” Patrick said. “And it’s not time to politicize, it’s a time to look deep inside of who we are as a country, where we no longer salute our flag or we throw water on law enforcement.”

“As long as we continue to only praise God and look at God on a Sunday morning and kick Him out of the town square and our schools the other six days of the week, what do we expect?” the Texas Republican asked later

When CNN reporter Jake Tapper pointed out to El Paso mayor Dee Margo the pattern of mass shootings in Texas, Margo said the question of why that might be the case “didn’t even cross my mind” after the shooting in his city.

Sen. Ted Cruz (TX-R)’s only comment on massacre so far has been several tweetsabout how he and his wife were “praying” for the shooting victims.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), who is traveling to El Paso, tweeted that “Focusing on law abiding citizens excersizing [sic] their constitutional rights solves nothing. We need to treat these crimes as problems to be solved, rather than one to be exploited for partisan political gain.”

Tapper noted that Abbott, Patrick, Cruz, and Cornyn all declined to appear on “State of the Union” on Sunday. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R), whose state experienced a deadly shooting in Dayton early Sunday morning, also turned down Tapper’s request for an interview.
If they took away all the guns they’ll find other ways to commit terrorism. They’ll use bombs, run people over with cars, use knives some would become the Green Arrow or Hawkeye. The problem is white supremacy and/or white extremists.
The problem is both.
Making the process of obtaining a firearm harder is....? Have to account for all the stockpiles of weapons out there now. Extremist have been preparing for that very thing. And if the drug war is any indication, as long as there is a demand, there is a way. Leaving the majority of law-abiding civilians unarmed with law enforcement and criminals armed. And it's known that white supremacist groups have infiltrated and have ties to law enforcement. Along with having ties to the gun industry, making it easier for them to get around troublesome policies. Their police ties giving them access to arms they can't obtain from retail.
All that seems to leave law-abiding citizens as sitting ducks in the end, with law-abiding black citizens even worst off.
I was saying why not make it harder by making them convert a pistol to an AR.

But to your point, you sound like an NRA talking point. If law abiding citizens don't have guns then criminals with illegal guns will go around killing everybody.

But we all know law abiding citizens with guns don't stop any of this. And more people with more guns aren't a deterrent. And these shooters are first time offenders who only get their power from the weapon. They would not get guns illegally cause they not in that circle.
Whites are not about to become a minority in this country without a fight. Make no mistake, we are at war. Black and brown people better strap up, these crakkkas will not stop shooting places up until they feel Amerikkka is "great again".

Now is not the time for black and brown people to think not having access to a gun is a good thing.

By 2055, white people will be officially considered as "minorities". In their sick minds they can't allow that to happen, I guarantee you that there will be more bloodshed.

Stay safe out there yall.
Nope white extremists practicing white supremacy is the only problem. Let’s focus on ways to stop these terrorists.
So don't try to slow them down by preventing at least at some level their access to these guns? You know two things can be done at the same time, right?