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I hate getting punched in the head
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust. When you're up, it's never as good as it seems. When you're down, you never think you'll be up again... but life goes on.
- Ray Liotta in Blow
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.”
Ayn Rand

i live by this shit
"See when I had no money I still had sauce, so if you don't got no sauce, then you're lost
But you can also get lost in the sauce"

- Radric Davis
Old enough to know better
Young enough to not give a fuck
Rather hold my head high and die
Than to live and duck -Fabolous
“Work smarter not harder”

“If you dont stand for something you will fall for anything”

My Grandpa told me these all the time as a kid
They say u get what you ask for, so get it, cause it's what you asked for

If ya life is bullshit, its cause that's all you did with your time

The only unconditional love that exists, is the kind written about in scripts.
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'Carpe Diem'

'Time waits for no man'

'Pride is the downfall of all men'
'A man must have his principles'

'Sleep is the cousin of death'

'I don't fear death so much as I fear its prologues: loneliness, decrepitude, pain, debilitation, depression, senility. After a few years of those, I imagine death presents like a holiday at the beach'
They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
- Banksy, UK Graffiti Artist