Overall, I wasnt crazy about this season. The finale though.. that was good. First time in a long time the show hit me in the feels. Will definitely be weird without fiona.
Leaving the money with the fam could be a recipe for disaster, but we shall see what happens. With Ian coming back next season, I wonder if Mickey will be too. I think either lip or debbie will be the new fiona/mom of the family. I fucking hate how lip turned out though.
Hated fiona for most of this season too. Just a dumbass. Dudes break up with you every season, but this dude with an accent is what throws you off the deep end? Just dumb. Hope the shit picks up cuz the writers seem to not know how to write these characters anymore from what made us love all of them. Show keeps trying to be funny too, which was always a part of the show, but it seems they are trying to make it the main focus vs the drama in everyone's life and it just doesnt seem right.