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Seggs Worker

Define 'introduce'.


Okay let me say it like this. We all kids right, im pretty sure we all told our kids they can be whatever they want.

Last week we was playing a game on the phone and somehow coding came up. I told he can learn about coding and make his own app.

So would yall tell your kids they can be a sex worker if they choose to be or even bring it up as an option

Okay let me say it like this. We all kids right, im pretty sure we all told our kids they can be whatever they want.

Last week we was playing a game on the phone and somehow coding came up. I told he can learn about coding and make his own app.

So would yall tell your kids they can be a sex worker if they choose to be or even bring it up as an option

Ah, gotcha.

Sex work is among the MILLIONS of professions that I wouldn't bring up to my children as an example of 'You can be whatever you want. You can be an Xx_insert_whatever_profession_here_xX if you want!'. That doesn't mean there is anything inherently wrong with those professions. Sex work included.
One.. it's not a legal profession.
Two.. just like many other jobs, you have to meet certain criteria and be of a certain age to join the workforce and have certain jobs.. which wouldnt be applicable for young students in school.

If theyre teaching about it in college for whatever reason... fair game imo


Youre jumping through hoops thats not there with talking about age requirements and workforce. . That has nothing to do with what im asking. And sex work is legal. Porn is sex work, stripper is almost a form of sex work and a few other things.
Ah, gotcha.

Sex work is amount the MILLIONS of professions that I wouldn't bring up to my children as an example of 'You can be whatever you want. You can be an Xx_insert_whatever_profession_here_xX if you want!'. That doesn't mean there is anything inherently wrong with those professions. Sex work included.


But I see your flaw in this but ill leave it alone.
Youre jumping through hoops thats not there with talking about age requirements and workforce. . That has nothing to do with what im asking. And sex work is legal. Porn is sex work, stripper is almost a form of sex work and a few other things.

Jumping through hoops how? You asked if folks would agree with it being taught to middle and high school students and I laid out examples on why I think that would be inappropriate based off of the age shit, legalities and how I think it would be more appropriate(again IMO) to learn about after high school if that's something they want to pursue seriously as a profession. Dont gotta be college courses n shit but you know what I mean lol
The military should absolutely be an option. (they dont see combat like that. Shit is rare as fuck and for a certain few)

But back to sex work. If you dont find anything work with sex work, why not introduce it to middle school and high school kids?

I legit wanna here your reasons for it. No gotcha moment shit

Sex work needs to be for adults and catered to adults. Just like we don’t tell kids porn is an option and they find out on their own I think it should be that way for selling sex
Jumping through hoops how? You asked if folks would agree with it being taught to middle and high school students and I laid out examples on why I think that would be inappropriate based off of the age shit, legalities and how I think it would be more appropriate(again IMO) to learn about after high school if that's something they want to pursue seriously as a profession. Dont gotta be college courses n shit but you know what I mean lol

Naw. You are stating things that is completely unnecessary with the age thing when learning about something as a whole and not "studying" it to be a professional at it.

Same way kids know about being pilots or engineering. Its not being taught in high school but kids know its a career path.

Me, I wouldnt want it to be in school in any form or fashion because im not onboard with sex work at all but like I said, I do understand why folks get into it. Also studies show that most folks have suffered some sort of sexual trauma in their life that get into that and that cannot be ignored aswell.

I would never tell my kids that sex work should be an option for them and I legit cant think of any other profession I would say that about
Naw. You are stating things that is completely unnecessary with the age thing when learning about something as a whole and not "studying" it to be a professional at it.

Same way kids know about being pilots or engineering. Its not being taught in high school but kids know its a career path.

Me, I wouldnt want it to be in school in any form or fashion because im not onboard with sex work at all but like I said, I do understand why folks get into it. Also studies show that most folks have suffered some sort of sexual trauma in their life that get into that and that cannot be ignored aswell.

I would never tell my kids that sex work should be an option for them and I legit cant think of any other profession I would say that about

Fair enough... I thought you were asking if folks thought it should be TAUGHT when you said "introduced".

We agree on most of these points though
Damn I remember having these debates a decade ago. One question changed my entire outlook on the subject:

If sex work is real work, would you ever want your daughter to do it?

That answer will tell you everything about you need to know about an individual.
Damn I remember having these debates a decade ago. One question changed my entire outlook on the subject:

If sex work is real work, would you ever want your daughter to do it?

That answer will tell you everything about you need to know about an individual.

Don't stop there, B. Unpack that.

That question changed your entire outlook on the subject. Cool. What was your outlook on the subject before that question was asked? What was your out outlook on the subject after that question was asked? And what about the question or the answer to it caused you to shift your perspective?
Police moved in on Brooklyn’s open-air prostitution market — arresting 11 men and seizing nine vehicles — following last week’s front-page Post exposĂ© on the brazen enterprise, authorities said Friday.

The NYPD operation on Thursday night targeted men driving along the four-block industrial stretch in East New York seeking sex, law-enforcement sources said.

“Brooklyn residents pointed out prostitution problems in East New York — and the NYPD acted,” the NYPD said in a statement on Twitter.

The sting reflected “our efforts to stop those who buy and promote sex for sale in NYC,” the department said.

Ten men were nabbed for allegedly patronizing a person for prostitution, and one man was arrested for driving while under the influence, cops said.

The crackdown came after The Post reported on the heavily trafficked “stroll,” where a steady stream of scantily clad women — many of them likely trafficking victims under the thumb of nearby pimps — have openly enticed motorists for months amid lax enforcement.

Current and former vice cops said there had been little incentive to make arrests, with the office of Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez moving away from prosecuting prostitution cases.

Sex-trafficking experts have told The Post that targeting pimps and johns — not the women — is the surest way to undermine the industry. But busts for pimps and johns, who drive the sex trade, have also dropped significantly, data show.

When asked about the Thursday’s sting, a DA spokesman said the arrests were for solicitation, “an offense our office never stopped prosecuting.”

The spokesman reiterated the office’s previous statement regarding its prosecution of prostitution cases.

“Since the start of this year our office declined to prosecute a grand total of three prostitution-related arrests,” the statement said. “We have a Sex Trafficking Unit that vigorously prosecutes pimps and traffickers while working with service providers to get assistance to victims of trafficking.”

“We stand ready to engage with communities, advocates and the police to address any concerns involving prostitution.”

This how they divide us.

Let the females THINK sex is casual, nudity is casual, prostitution is real work or prostitution is “not that bad”.

Let the women be hoes and have no self respect.

Arrest the men.

Because the buyer in this case is viewed a certain way and when they mention pimps that’s a whole other level of trafficking
Damn I remember having these debates a decade ago. One question changed my entire outlook on the subject:

If sex work is real work, would you ever want your daughter to do it?

That answer will tell you everything about you need to know about an individual.

Being a cop is real work and I don’t want her doing that either
you not saying anything here
Being a cop is real work and I don’t want her doing that either
you not saying anything here

I can guarantee you wouldn’t stop your child from knowing about police and what they do. And if it’s something they really want to do you wouldn’t discouraged them or have a real problem with if they do.

It’s not comparable and you wouldn’t treat the situations the same