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FEATURED Scooter Braun “We marched with you during Black Lives Matter, help Israel“

No the fuck we don't. Arabs had our asses in chains even before the fucking white man.

We have absolutely nothing in common with them. Zero. Nada. Stop twisting your mind in to pretzels to insert yourself into someone else's bullshit.

We do not need to take a side because neither of them mfers give a single fuck about us.

I think you missing the point here just a bit l. Not saying we are the same but tactics that Israel is using are the same tactics that white South Africans used. And same tactics here but less extreme in recent times. Again not saying Arab racism is not a valid criticism especially in North Africa but I don’t really know how Palestinians treat Africans I know Israelis don’t care for us
You claim him interviewing rappers who are a detriment to the black community with what they always rapping about as black culture?

If so the culture needs to be thrown away.
The purpose of my post was to point out how vlad is a hypocrite…

He called out drake and khalid for not speaking on Israel-Hamas but he never spoke about Ukraine-Russia…

Whether or not the black people that vlad choose to interview are detrimental to society is a different conversation…
So is he calling on BLM the organization or black ppl?

And where were they when it came time for the standing up for the black Jews out of Ethiopia?

Where are the reparations for all those slave ships their ancestors financed?

Are they choosing not to address their brethren who don't want black ppl in their neighborhoods in places like Lakewood, NJ and surrounding cities or shame those that use their hands to put up a ward against evil when they see black ppl over in parts of rural PA?

Are they jumping in various areas of the Motherland that have a variety of war and evil going on?
My fault. Wrong thread. I'd delete it myself, but my account is acting weird. Mods, come get this please.
Ayo fuck what this goofy talking about.....I/we/Black people can see that innocent people are dying on both sides. Israel iterally have people in big ass concentration camp and they want another group of people (Black people) to stand up with them while they're literally treating people like they're opressors (nazi's) did them. Nah fuck nigga you can't have it both ways.

HAMAS was some hoes for killing them innocent concert goers no denying that but Israel has killed more than 150k people
This reminds me when Trump got elected, the Democrats and White Amerikkka was BEGGING for Obama's help.

The Homie went from being Amerikkka's Janitor, to Amerikkka's Whipping Bwoy, to Amerikkka's Regulator.
No the fuck we don't. Arabs had our asses in chains even before the fucking white man.

We have absolutely nothing in common with them. Zero. Nada. Stop twisting your mind in to pretzels to insert yourself into someone else's bullshit.

We do not need to take a side because neither of them mfers give a single fuck about us.
Even to this DAY they still call Dark-Skinned People in Arab Countries "slaves" and other derogatory Epithets.

Done wheeled out Johnny on the Breakfast Club to speak on they shenanigans.


Thankfully, a lot of people in the comments section are seeing through the bs.
Done made another pit stop at Hot97 talking about this nonsense too. Smmfh.

Only a matter of time before they find a reason to bring those people over to the States to assist with this "humanitarian crisis".