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Breaking News Scientists Create Embryo From Stem Cells Without Egg or Sperm.......


Article in the spoiler. It only developed to 3.5 days old. But it makes you wonder about the true extent of the advancements that scientist have made that aren't being disclosed.

@King Freeman sure you'll find thos interesting lol.

If y'all have seen Altered Carbon, you can understand the implications of thos "discovery".

Maastricht University's MERLN Institute scientists have successfully grown a very early stage embryo in a laboratory without eggs or sperm.

To achieve this, Rivron’s team combined two types of stem cells from mice in a dish. The cells were then implanted to the womb lining of live female mice where they managed to initiate pregnancy and successfully grow for a few days.

"This is the first time we have created structures in the lab from stem cells which have the potential to form the whole organism – the baby, placenta and yolk sac."
"This is the first time we have created structures in the lab from stem cells which have the potential to form the whole organism – the baby, placenta and yolk sac," Rivron told IOL. For those fearing this may also result in human cloning, rest assured.

Rivron insists his research simply “helps to understand the perfect path an early embryo must take for a healthy development.” He explainedthat his work revealed that “it is the embryonic cells that instruct the placental cells how to organise and to implant in utero.”

“By understanding this molecular conversation, we open new perspectives to solve problems of infertility, contraception, or the adult diseases that are initiated by small flaws in the embryo," explained Rivron. Examples of conditions that can potentially be cured by the new findings include diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

The scientists are now trying to understand why their newly created blastocysts only develop to about just3.5 days old. Although the laboratory-developed cells look similar to normal blastocysts, their cells are not properly organized resembling a disorganized embryo, said Rivron.

Regardless, Group Head at the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences and Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London Harry Leith told the BBC the study is “the most successful attempt so far at building an early embryo from stem cell lines.”

Scientists Edit Human Embryos For the First Time Ever

In March of 2017, University of Cambridge scientists created "artificial embryos" with stem cells from mice, a first of its time. The team also combined two types of stem cells and used a 3D scaffold as a natural mouse embryo.

The researchers also hoped their work would assist with fertility treatments. However, unlike Rivron's team, these researchers were unsuccessful in implanting the cells in mice.

Despite medical advancements, very little is understood about how early embryos develop. Access to such knowledge has the potential to benefit human lives by determining the conditions that lead to problems at the start of pregnancy that either end in miscarriages or diseases in the offspring.

Via: Maastricht University


they throwing it in our faces at this point.

I don't doubt some of those cloning conspiracies out there now.
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Nothing good comes from man trying to play "God".

This could be used for good, but it will be abused and become a tool of destruction eventually.

Attempting to "create" life outside of the natural order of things.

Without the need for a male sperm fertilizing a female egg, it is becoming something completely different.
Old news.

That's been going on for years.

Same technology used in that 60 Minutes segment about cloning Polo horses:

Attempting to "create" life outside of the natural order of things.

Without the need for a male sperm fertilizing a female egg, it is becoming something completely different.

Well, technically, the "clone" is nothing more than an identical twin.

Also, the stem cells were the result of a sperm cell fertilizing an egg because they came from a living being that was the product of a sperm cell fertilizing an egg.

Not condoning this shit, but it's not the same as how it's portrayed in the movies.
Good thing imo this shit could eventually cure all types of shit but cosign designer babies and whatnot are a real issue
I only like this idea of clones are used as people, but as tools to help cure diseases.

Once they start thinking for themselves, it only a matter of time before all kinds of shit starts rolling downhill.
What do u mean by that?

Instead of just modifying dna like CRISPR does, gene drive makes it so those modifications will be passed down thru the generations.

Literally any small change, for good or worse, can have a planetary effect on our evolution in the long run.

That's way too much power for any one individual to have in my opinion
Instead of just modifying dna like CRISPR does, gene drive makes it so those modifications will be passed down thru the generations.

Literally any small change, for good or worse, can have a planetary effect on our evolution in the long run.

That's way too much power for any one individual to have in my opinion
Scary but in the right hands we can be a planet of Super Heros. Lets do it
Scary but in the right hands we can be a planet of Super Heros. Lets do it

When it comes to tech advances, what's always the first application of said tech? Military.

Imagine you want to conquer some where. You could engineer a genetic vulnerability thru covert methods, create a virus that responds to said vulnerability, AND craft the cure, for when the populace is reeling and in a prime position for manipulation they government policy or just in general.

This is all easily within the realm of possibility with this invention.