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OPINION Scenes So Funny It Hurts

yo wtf.....is this show scripted and are the guests in on it b/c this was hilarious if they aren't

The guests arent in on it at all lmao. Eric Andre tells them they are going to be on a talk show, they arrive and sit in their dressing room until they are about to be called out then Andre and Burress shock the hell out of them. I think it was TI, but Eric did some fucked up or gay shit and he just walked out, shit was hilarious.

I cant remember what they did, but Eric Andre mentioned that as the show continued, word about his show got around to the circles in hollywood so he was having trouble booking people to come on the show, so he had to lie to them somehow to get them on the show. Ill try finding the interview and will @ you if i can find it.
@313 Wayz this actually might be the interview i was thinking of. I havent watched all of it yet, but he says it is difficult to book folks sometimes and they will sometimes give hints of whats going on, but do much worse when the show actually starts.

Said that he would have trouble booking celebrities, but reality stars are much more desperate for screen time and almost always book on the show.
