Some one you used to fuck.... Like fuck really heavy back in the day moves next door to you in some ridiculous pure coincidence shit.
They married with kids. Of course you're pleasant cuz you a grown ass adult who's mature as fuck. It's cool to see a familiar face in the area.
Well their spouse from the very jump, is like one of the coolest people you've ever met.
You try to keep it short, cuz yeah... You used to bang out their boo.... But this mother fucker is inexplicably cool as shit, and before you know it y'all cool as shit.
One day y'all hanging, drinking... Chilling.. And they just come out and ask
"Yo, you cool peoples, I fucks with you. You a genuine person, and that's rare. Plus you a cool ass neighbor. But I gotta know..... Would you still fuck them given the chance?"
How do you answer? And what are you thinking?