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Russia Declares War on Ukraine

Yeah but I don't want to just talk about "Russia Declares War on Ukraine"

I want to specifically talk about whether or not we are getting false propaganda from the media and whether or not our 18-19 year olds are going to be thrown to the wolves.
You can talk about that in here

And I think you completely off the mark. No American soldiers will touch down in the Ukraine. Period

As far as propaganda from the US media, look no further than social media to see if its being covered fairly or not.
No I'm not.

I'm not going to read 160 pages just to catch up.

So I guess my question will never get addressed because I'm not reading 160 pages.
Fam, your question can still be answered in here without you going back and reading over 160 pages. There has been been many topics within this thread that deals with what's going on.
And I think you completely off the mark. No American soldiers will touch down in the Ukraine. Period

Id tend to agree with this aside from those folks that go and already have gone over there of their own volition for whatever reason. Pretty sure theres some that's gone over there.

Official army tho? I doubt it.

Im just curious how shit would go down if some rando citizen goes over there to help Ukraine fight and gets captured or killed by Russia. Wonder how the US would respond to that
I want the army to send soldiers to Ukraine.

I think there are too many useless Americans.

We need to thin the population by 100 million people.

and who do you think the demographic/race of people sent there would be if the US shared the same sentiment as you about the population being too high?

Somebody else said it on here recently

some posts, you just have to scroll past...don't give a reaction, don't respond, just keep it moving

ahhh guess I got my answer then.. this too


and who do you think the demographic/race of people sent there would be if the US shared the same sentiment as you about the population being too high?

Personally I would go to all the prisons and give people the option of joining The Army.

Here's why;

I've been to jail. I served 60 days with people who weren't getting out. Here's why they weren't getting out;

In America we have things like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Student Loans, Government Grants, and Section 8 Housing. These are the safety nets for people that cannot make it. I am currently on all of the things I just mentioned. I used the the student loans from the government to pay my way through college and got my Associate's degree about 5 years ago.

In jail, you will find people that had all of those things (Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Student Loans, Government Grants, and Section 8 Housing) and got caught selling drugs. Well not really.

In jail, you will find people who had all of those things (Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Student Loans, Government Grants, and Section 8 Housing) and got caught manufacturing a controlled substance.

The difference between "selling drugs" (cocaine, heroin) and "manufacturing a controlled substance" is bagging up DIRT and calling it "heroin" or pouring two boxes of BAKING SODA into a bag and calling it, "a kilo of cocaine". Bagging up dirt and calling it "heroin" or pouring two boxes of baking soda into a bag and calling it, "a kilo of cocaine" is called, "manufacturing a controlled substance.

In jail/prison you will find poor Blacks/Latinos and even poor White Trash who all claim they are in jail for "selling drugs" when the reality is that they were selling dirt or baking soda. These people are ineligible for SSI, Food Stamps, Student Loans, Government Grants or Section 8 housing because they had all of those things and got caught "manufacturing a controlled substance". So they are stuck in jail and cannot get out. According to Federal law, you cannot release a person from prison if they have nowhere to go. These people were poor in the first place so they cannot go back to "live with their parents". They do not have any education so they have no realistic prospect of getting a job and supporting themselves when they get out. So The Warden will not release these people because they have no where to go.

Like I said, I did 60 days in jail and witnessed this with my own eyes. I saw people who were stuck in The County Jail and couldn't get out because they couldn't explain to The Warden what they were going to do when they got out, and they were ineligible for government services. So these people are just stuck in jail and cannot get out.

Have you ever heard the statistic that says something to the effect of "America has the largest prison population"?

Well it's not because Americans commit more crime, it's because there are people in prison who's sentence is over, but they cannot get out because they have nowhere to go and The Warden will not release them. Realistically these people would be a menace to society if they were released. They have nowhere to go and their family will not vouch for them. (Would you let your thug cousin get released from jail and live with you?)

So there are millions of people in American prisons whose sentences are over but they can't be released because they have no where to go.

Meanwhile, there is a war raging in Europe.

What do you think the logical solution is?